Saturday, December 31, 2016


I'm not going to start this blog by preaching that we should all lose weight as part of our New Year's resolution.  Rather, I am going to ask that you close your eyes and imagine yourself in a peaceful, happy state.....whatever that may mean to you only and not societies standards!  Can you see it?? Now say to yourself....."How do I achieve this?"  Does it mean switching a job, changing your career, removing relationships in your life that don't make you feel good about yourself?  Whatever, the obstacle may be to you.......know that you have the power to change it and nobody else! On New Year's Day, most people say, "I'm going on a diet starting today!".........No!!! Don't do this......on New Year's Day say, "I'm going to give myself a better, happier life!!"   I urge you to start the new year with a positive statement and do what needs to be done to achieve it.  After all, we only have one life to live, don't waste another minute not being the best you possible!!  Happy New Year to you all and may this one and all others that follow be the happiest, most peaceful, and healthiest always!!!  

Saturday, November 26, 2016


Always around this time of year, without fail, I get side tracked from my usual routine of life due to school activities, work parties, holiday family dinners, and holiday celebrations with friends.  And every year....even now, I may say, "I'm too tired to work out, I'm too busy to work out, I'm not eating clean enough right now, I need to go shopping!"  I could go on and on and on.......but just like my repetitive conversations with myself every year, my answer is always the same......"You don't have to give up exercising at this time of year or change the core of who you are just because everything isn't the same way it always is!!!"  So what if your food intake isn't as clean as it always is!  So what if you only have a half an hour to squeeze in exercise!  My point is, "DON'T JUST GIVE UP!!"  This is the time when you need to adjust to life's schedule and not just throw in the towel.  A little exercise is better than no exercise at all and in fact it will help you feel better when all of those wonderful endorphins are released!  Who can't use more endorphins during this stressful time of year!!!   So if you are one of those people who say, "I didn't work out for the whole month of December"..... start this year by replacing it with, "I squeezed in a half an hour today of exercise and I feel great!!!"  Take what little time you have and be good to yourself.....whether it's yoga, meditation, walking, running, or weight training.....I guarantee you, the better you are to yourself, the better you will be to all of those around you and holiday stress will melt away!!!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Oh boy.......tomorrow is the day when our children have the green light to go from one door to the next all in the name of yummy, chocolaty, gooey, sweets!!!  It's also fun for us because let's face it.....we get to pig out too!!!   My kids know, the Almond Joy's are mine!!!   No, I'm not going to tell you that your children shouldn't eat candy just because I am a Registered Dietitian.  Rather, take this opportunity to teach "MODERATION".   Yes, that's right.....take the opportunity to teach your kids that they can enjoy candy in moderation. 
Let me tell you how I've done it since my kids started trick-or-treating.  First, and most important, no one is allowed to eat anything until I have inspected it first!!  I check to make sure that all wrappers are sealed tight and in self-contained packages.  I know people have good intentions, but I do not let my kids keep a candy that is not in the original manufactures packaging.  For example, if someone throws an individual Starburst in the bag, I throw it out......why do I do this?.....because anybody can unwrap and rewrap an individual piece of candy easily without anyone even realizing's best to be safe than sorry.  Second, the day after Halloween, they get to choose 4 pieces they can eat.  The day after that, it goes down to 2 pieces.  The day after that, the same.  On the fifth day, the candy goes BYE, BYE until the next weekend and then they can choose 2 pieces each on Saturday and Sunday.  After that, all of that good stuff goes into the future movie goody bags (the movie candy can cost you as much as a tank of gas!!!), future friend dates, and maybe a movie night at home or other fun thing that comes up.  After two months, whatever is left over, goes into the garbage!!!  It's all what you get your children used to.  If you teach your children that it's okay to have a "treat" every so often......then it's not a "feast or famine" race!!!
I hope you all enjoy this special season with your children, because it is a very precious time in their lives!!!  Happy Halloween!!!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

It's one of my favorite times of the year...... the leaves will soon start changing color, the air will become brisk, and yes....IT'S PUMPKIN TIME!!  No, I'm not just talking about Pumpkin Lattes, I'm talking pumpkin everything.....pumpkin pasta, pumpkin risotto, pumpkin bread!! If you are one of those people who just experience a pumpkin by hollowing it out and sticking a candle in it...then you have no idea what you're missing!  There are so many different ways you can enjoy pumpkin......from soups, desserts, salads, pancakes, and even butter.  There is something for everyone!

But first please take a moment: For those of you who have a GalsShopper, are thinking about purchasing a GalsShopper, or are simply just enjoying our nutrition blog, we have very exciting news!!!! QVC Network home shopping have honored us by entering our innovative GalsShopper product in their Sprouts Program, which is a program that you can vote on with no purchase necessary!!! QVC wants to hear your voice!!! We at GalsShopper would be most greatful and thankful if you would go to the QVC web site utilizing the following link and vote "YES" for GalsShopper and click Submit Vote for GalsShopper to be made available on QVC so that the whole beautiful world can also enjoy the opportunity of shopping "hands free and smart" with our GalsShopper!!!
Did you know that pumpkins are one of the richest sources of beta-carotene, which is a powerful antioxidant that gives orange vegetables and fruits their gorgeous color!!  Did you also know that consuming a diet rich in beta-carotene may help reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer and heart disease, and also help delay the process of aging.  Amazing!!  Pumpkins are also rich in fiber and don't forget that fiber rich foods slow down the digestive process which makes you feel longer......good for keeping you from reaching for that extra snack!! 
If you do decide to buy a pumpkin, choose one that weighs from about four to eight pounds and has no soft spots or open cuts.  Also, always choose a pumpkin with a firmly attached stem.  Don't worry about cooking it right away because it can keep for months at a cool room temperture!
So bake it, steam it, turn it into a beautiful puree and enjoy!!! Pumpkins are not just pretty to look at, they are actually good for you.

Monday, September 5, 2016

It's that time of year again!!  I hope that some of you have taken my prior advice and stopped sending your kids to school with "empty" foods on a daily basis.  If not, let's do a quick review. 

But first please take a moment:  For those of you who have a GalsShopper, are thinking about purchasing a GalsShopper, or are simply just enjoying our nutrition blog, we have very exciting news!!!! QVC Network home shopping have honored us by entering our innovative GalsShopper product in their Sprouts Program, which is a program that you can vote on with no purchase necessary!!!  QVC wants to hear your voice!!!  We at GalsShopper would be most greatful and thankful if you would go to the QVC web site utilizing the following link and vote "YES" for GalsShopper and click Submit Vote for GalsShopper to be made available on QVC so that the whole beautiful world can also enjoy the opportunity of shopping "hands free and smart" with our GalsShopper!!!
Our kids will now spend the majority of the day Monday through Friday for the next 10 months in a classroom having to learn, pay close attention, and participate in physical activities....and because of all this, we as parents need to send them in with healthy snacks and nutritious foods that will give them the energy they need.
Simple changes can make all the difference in the world.  Here are some simple ways you can make a big change in your children's health:
  • Instead of fruit juice, fruit drinks, and sport drinks send them in with water.
  • Instead of white bread or plain pita pockets send a sandwich made with whole wheat bread or a whole wheat pita.
  • Instead of chips send them in with pretzels, nuts, air popped popcorn, whole grain crackers, baked chips, rice cakes (lot of flavors now!).
  • Instead of a candy bar send them in a low fat granola bar.
  • Try to always send in some kind of fresh creative, there are so many different kinds of fruit available now.
  • As a rule of thumb, unless they have some form of food allergy, eliminate "white colored" foods.....stick to whole grain and wheat derived foods.
  • Forget about those "ready made" lunch meals in a box, freshly made is always healthier.
By making the above changes in your children's diet, you will help them stay focused longer because they won't be experiencing rapid blood sugar shifts (highs and lows that often accompany high sugar foods).  They also will feel "full" longer with the increase in fiber in their diet and won't sit at their desk dreaming of "Sour Patch Kids".

The bottom line is, WE ARE THE BOSS !!.  They will eat what we send them in with because they are hungry!!!!  Choice should not always be an option.  Also, the advertising companies are not as powerful as they think......we are the biggest influence on our children.  Lead by example and show your kids that eating healthier foods is something that you do as well......they are always watching and listening!!!  Another great tip is to involve your children in food shopping....take them with you and talk about food as you cruise the aisles.  Let them pick things out that they think they would like to try.  And of course.....don't forget to make a list and put it in your GalsShopper!!!!


Saturday, July 30, 2016

Sugar...Let's Unmask 
Its Many Forms

Are you trying to lose those last 10 pounds??  Are you trying to just feel better??  Are you trying to improve your mood??  Well guess what, sugar and all of its many forms might just be what is standing in your way!

Let's start with the startling statistics......the average person consumes 60 pounds of sugar per year!!! This is like the weight of a small child!!!  The crazy thing is, you might be consuming sugar and not even know it.  Well today I will tell you exactly what to look for in the list of ingredients of the food items you buy at the market so you will be a "Sugar Savvy Shopper." 

First things first....if you are reading the ingredients and sugar is listed, it means it is not naturally found in this food product (Flag #1).  Second, some food companies are very aware and count on the fact that the general public is not aware of sugars many names and forms.  That's why the average American consumes 60 pounds of sugar yearly.  I believe, nutrition education is the key and I also believe that it should start with our children in grade school.  Why not teach all of our children when they are young so that we can end the epidemic of Diabetes and Obesity?  After all, if physical education is mandatory, why isn't teaching them how to live a healthier and happy life? 

The following is a list of the many disguises that sugar takes in our food:
  • High Fructose Corn Syrup, Lactose, Maltodextrin, Sucrose, Sorbitol, Sorghum Syrup
  • Dextrose, Dextrin, Glucose, Galactose, Barley Malt, Cane Crystals, Corn Syrup
  • Fruit Juice Concentrate, Molasses, Malt Syrup, Maltose, Sorghum Syrup
  • Caramel, Golden Syrup
There you have you know the enemy in disguise!!  Start taking the time to read those food labels and I guarantee you that you will improve you and your families quality of life forever!!  Memorize this list, write it on a piece of paper and clip it in your GalsShopper, or bring up my blog on your smart phone (it can be held in your GalsShopper easily of course!) and you can start making healthier food choices forever!! 

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

How About A Slice
of Watermelon!!

For your next barbecue, instead of a salty basket of chips....slice a big juicy watermelon for your company and watch it disappear!!!  Not only is it beautiful to look at and sweet, it is also packed full of great nutrition and gives you a great hydration boost for these long, hot, hazy summer days. 
I know most of you think of watermelon as a sweet summertime treat or the flavor of your favorite margarita, but there are many health benefits to consuming this pink royalty of fruit.  Watermelon is actually rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin B6.  Vitamin A helps to boost our immune system and helps promote eye health.  Vitamin C, as we all know, helps to boost our immune system by protecting us from those dreadful free radicals that can create chaos in our beautiful bodies.  Vitamin B6 helps our bodies to break down all the wonderful protein we consume, helps to form red blood cells, and maintain optimal nerve function. 
Lets also not forgot about watermelons potassium connection!!!   Watermelon is chocked full of potassium and potassium is a mineral that helps our bodies maintain water balance.  Getting muscle cramps???  Perhaps, your are experiencing low potassium levels.  Don't forget, it is recommended that you consume eight glasses of water per day (most people only consume 4!).  Well guess what?  Watermelon is 92% water!!!!   Drink your water and reach for a juicy slice of watermelon to stay hydrated during the long hot days of summer. 
Some tips.....if you decide to buy a whole watermelon, I highly recommend that you cut the whole thing up and place it in your refrigerator.  I find that when the work is already done, my family will reach for it as a snack.  Add watermelon cubes to your adds just the right amount of sweetness to your salad!!  Puree watermelon in your blender or food processor and pour it into ice cube trays for an awesome frozen treat!!!!  Use your imagination!!!!  
At only 80 calories for 2 cups of watermelon and zero to your hearts content!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

What's Your
Trigger Food??
How many times have you sat on the couch and thought about a certain food in your refrigerator, freezer, or pantry.......I mean actually visualized eating that delicious tub of ice cream, chewing that soft cookie, or munching on that crispy chip??  After thinking about it for about an hour, collecting a gallon of saliva in your mouth (gross!), you do the slow swagger into the kitchen and you say, "I'll only have a little bit", but a little bit turns into almost eating the actual container or packaging of your "trigger food."  But I'm not finished ladies and gentlemen, not only did you eat every last drop, this food craving then triggers additional food cravings, till before you know it you are eating poorly for the rest of the week!!!!!  I call this the "Snow Ball Effect".  We all have this "trigger food", but what is yours?.....and once you identify it, what do you do??
Let me tell you a trigger food is ice cream!! And guess what......that doesn't mean I don't buy it....the key is to only buy a small portion of your trigger food when you are actually going to eat it.....the key is to not stock it in your house like paper towels!!!  When you have to make an effort to actually go out and buy your "trigger food"'re more apt not to do it.  DON'T KEEP IT IN YOUR HOUSE!!!  If it's a sweet you're a handful of berries or a fresh fruit.  If it's something salty you're craving.....try a handful of salted almonds, or when all else fails......make yourself a cup of tea.  Sometimes it's just a matter of keeping your hands busy till the craving passes!
I know I'm always telling you to make your shopping list and put it in your GalsShopper to shop smarter, but leave off your "trigger food" unless you plan on eating it that day!!!  Good luck!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

What is Your Definition of Healthy??
Did you know that Kind Bars were not able to use the word "Healthy" on its packaging??  According to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), only foods that are very low in fat (no more than 3 grams) can use the word "healthy" as a claim!!! This leaves out a great deal of healthy snacks that contain nuts.  Hello.......let's jump into this decade please!!!  Remember way back in the day (circa 1990's) when "Fat Free Foods" were all the rage?  Hint.....The Simpsons and Friends were pretty hot T.V. shows, we all wanted the "Rachel" haircut, and the Spice Girls were all the rage!!  However, that was then and this is now, and we are a pretty nutrition savvy crowd!   
"Healthy Fats" are those found in nuts, avocados, olives, flaxseed, and fatty fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring, trout).  So I guess you can say that the FDA has been stuck in a "time warp".  Well, lets fast forward to the year 2016......we now know that "good fats" help to protect your heart and can support overall good health and should be a part of our daily diets.  So many thanks to the maker of Kind brand bars (which are my personal favorite and contain lots of yummy nuts) and their standing up to the FDA regarding not being able to use the words "Healthy and Tasty" because the FDA is now going to redefine the word "healthy" to reflect current day nutritional knowledge.  Thank goodness!!!   Kind will now be able to use the phrase "Healthy and Tasty" and perhaps the FDA will now turn their focus to the snack foods that are bought for our children and can last in your cabinets for 10 plus years!!!!  So be sure to put Kind Bars on your shopping list, say a silent thank you to them, put your shopping list in your GalsShopper, and head to the market knowing you will be doing something good for you and your families health.

Monday, April 25, 2016

This Mother's Day, I would like you all to give yourself a very special gift......the gift of peace, the gift of happiness, the gift of self love, the gift of self acceptance, the gift of serenity!!!  As a mother, we all have so many roles to juggle throughout the course of our day......but in order to be the best for all involved and ourselves, we not only need to nourish our bodies with healthy nutritious foods...we also need to nourish our minds with healthy positive thoughts.  Some of you may be asking, "What do you mean?"  I mean when you start having a negative conversation in your head, when you start reliving a past negative situation, when you start drama in your head in anticipation of what you think might happen.....STOP!!!!!!  Just change your thoughts to something positive......such as what makes you happy... a happy memory that has occurred, a happy memory you may wish to occur, your children's smile and laughter......anything but a negative thought.   Change the conversation in your head....change the channel of the show you're watching in your mind.....just pretend you have a remote control handy for your mind!!!  It takes some work and practice, but I guarantee you it will get easier and easier.  This Mother's Day, give yourself the best gift of all.... positive thinking, life in the moment thinking.  Feed your mind with positive thoughts, surround yourself with positive people... and a healthy life will follow.  Happy Mother's Day to you all!!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Yes, There Is A Way To
Enjoy Your Iced Coffee And
Not Consume A Days Worth
Of Calories!!!!

Say what you will, but the last time I checked we are all in control of what we are ordering at our favorite coffee lounge.  Yes, there are many high caloric choices with lots of whipped cream that are offered, but let's be fair......there are many healthy choices as well!!  Listen, I always say that no food should be eliminated, rather we just need to consume these things in moderation, but if you know your Barista by their first name, their birthday, and they know your astrological sign.....these tips may help you!!!
Tip number 1, start by ordering the smallest size available.....even if you still indulge in your delicious Mocha Frappuccino, if you order the smallest are cutting the calories in half!!! Beach body here you come!!!
Tip number 2, "Barista.....please hold the whipped cream"......just say it over and over again in a mirror and I'm sure you can do it!! will be making a major drop in calories.
Tip number 3, get it skinny!!!!! Just ask for skim milk....the delicious taste of the coffee will come through even more and you'll be helping your waistline!!! 
Tip number 4, hold the chocolate syrup please!!   Save it for your ice cream only!!
So ladies and gentlemen, continue to enjoy your daily routine of ordering a delicious iced beverage to keep you cool and are now armed with coffee ordering "know how!"  I have yet to encounter a Barista that wasn't happy to accommodate my "Harry Met Sally" ordering style!!! 

Monday, March 21, 2016

I love, love, love this time of year!!! Flowers are peaking out of the ground, the snow boots are going bye bye, melons are coming into season, and yes.....we get to color Easter Eggs!!!!  But how many of you out there leave them in your frig and end up throwing them out???  Don't!!!  Eggs are so awesome for you......gone is the thought that the egg is a "cholesterol bad guy."  Rather, we all now know that the egg is packed full of "eggstra" (corny, I know!) good nutrition.  Can we talk???
Nutritional facts about eggs you may not know:
  • An egg of medium size typically contains 6 grams of protein and only about 63 calories.  Research has shown that the high quality of protein found in eggs, helps to keep people feeling fuller (satiety) longer and thus prevents people from reaching for an unhealthy snack.  The result....weight loss, because you are eating less.
  • You can be an energizer bunny!!!  Eggs contain many vitamins and minerals that are required to produce energy in all of the wonderful cells in our bodies!! Who doesn't want more energy??
  • Eggs contain Lutein and Zeaxanthin that can help prevent Macular Degeneration, an eye condition that can lead to age-related blindness. 
  • Eggs contain Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, and Selenium, which all play a role keeping your immune system healthy. Cold....what cold??
  • PROTEIN!!!  Eggs are one of the best sources of protein!!  Whether you are looking to build more muscle, promote weight loss, or simply increase your protein intake, eggs are a star in my book.  Yes, they contain fat too....the majority of the fat (38% monounsaturated ....the good stuff) is found in the yolk...but I'm not saying to throw out the yolk by any means though.  After all....all foods are good in moderation. 
  • Now, if you can find eggs that have been enriched with Omega-3 Fatty Acid....even better!!  Omega-3-Fatty Acids are known to decrease Triglycerides in your blood.  Sounds good to me!!
So after the egg coloring bonanza with your family, eat your eggs!!!  Bring them to work as a snack....cut them up and put them in your salads......have them for breakfast....and know you are doing something wonderful for your body!

Friday, March 4, 2016

Ladies and Gentlemen..
May I Present The Magical
I know we have spoken about healthy snacking, but did you ever think about chickpeas as an option??  One of my favorite snacks are home made Roasted Chickpeas.  I'm sure they are not the first thing that pops into your mind when you think about snacking, but my husband loves them! The jury is still out on the kids....but I don't give up!!!
Let me give you a little background as to why this little bean should be at the top of your "Clean Eating" snack list.  Chickpeas, also known as Garbanzo Beans were originally cultivated in the Middle East and the Mediterranean, but you can find them included in Greek, Indian, and Italian foods as well.  Come on now, Hummus is all the rage and how many of you know that its made from Chickpeas??   I actually stand in the supermarket aisle staring at the endless varieties of Hummus while salivating like Wimpy waiting for a reminds me of when I was a little kid standing in the local 7 Eleven candy aisle with a quarter in my hand and too many choices!!!  Remember those days??
Ok, back to current day Alison... so a chickpea is actually a legume and they are loaded with both protein and to my ears, not mention my heart!!!  They also contain potassium, vitamin B-6 and vitamin C which collectively help promote heart health.   Did you also know that chickpeas can also help prevent cancer??  Chickpeas contain both selenium and folate.  Selenium is involved in liver enzyme function, which can detoxify some cancer causing compounds in our bodies and folate plays a role in the repair and synthesis of DNA which studies have shown can help prevent the formation of cancer cells caused by mutations in DNA.  Holy chickpea Batman!!!  And how about that fiber??  We all know that consuming a snack rich in fiber helps us to feel "full" longer, which also helps us to stop checking our watches for our next "feeding time." Works for me!!!  
Just to get you started on your Chickpea voyage, I'm going to give you my recipe for Roasted Chickpeas:
Here's what you'll need:
  • 2 (15 ounces) cans chickpeas, rinsed and drained
  • 2 Tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Vegetable Oil Cooking Spray
  • 2 Teaspoons paprika (I sometimes use smoked salt or garlic powder, but the fun is you can play with the spices you use depending upon your taste so have fun!!!)
  • Salt to your taste
Directions: Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.  Spray your baking sheet with the vegetable oil spray.  Next, after you have rinsed and drained your chickpeas, allow them to dry thoroughly on paper towels.  Once dried, toss your chickpeas with your olive oil, salt, and spices in a bowl.  Arrange the chickpeas on your baking sheet in single layer.  Place the baking sheet in the center of your oven for 50 minutes to 1 hour.  Make sure you shift the beans around at about the 30 minute mark.  Once the time is up, allow them to cool for at least 1 hour (they will get that yummy crunchy texture when they cool).  Now, enjoy!!!  I promise you that you will get lots of attention eating them as a snack.....I always offer them so people can try them and they are always pleasantly surprised!!!  I hope you are too!!  

Sunday, February 21, 2016


Last call for chocolate Valentine's Day hearts!!!!  If any of you are still staring at the carnage that is left over from Valentine's as I did this yourself and throw it out!!  Don't be sad though, for all of the most awesome Spring fruits are coming into season!!  Apricots, blueberries, grapefruit, kiwis, strawberries, and pineapple are just some of the yummy ones.  Yes, I know that some supermarkets boast about having these fruits all year round, but if you're like me, it takes me forever to try to examine the containers of fruit from every angle when they are not in season, looking for the already in progress "scientific experiment".   But guess what.....soon I can just pick up the container and be comfortable knowing that I am not bringing home an "extra" life-form with me!!! 
Listen, I enjoy my chocolate during Valentine's Day week.......but too much of a good thing can become a bad thing.   Replace the sweetness of chocolate with the natural sweetness of delicious fruits.  Remember, eating a diet rich in fruits helps to reduce your risk for heart disease and may help protect you against certain types of cancers.  Not a bad reason to eat it....right??   Also, fruits are rich in dietary fiber which helps to improve the functioning of your digestive tract.......keeps it moving!!
So say "Bye Bye" to your chocolate heart and "Hello" to delicious Spring fruits!!!! 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Let me tell you something.....I don't care what size box of chocolates you buy...nothing says Valentine's Day better than a chocolate covered strawberry!!!   And no....I'm not talking about ordering the gourmet ones that are going to further deplete your bank account....I'm talking about getting down and dirty and making your own!!!  I don't know what Giada or Rachael Ray skills you possess, but guess what??? You don't need any!!!  It is so easy to make a beautiful display of chocolate covered strawberries that I know you are going to kick yourself for never trying!!
Let's start by making your list....don't forget to clip it on your GalsShopper (I hope you have one by's amazing!!) and head to the store!  All you need to buy is a few fresh packages of beautiful strawberries, melting chocolate, and wax paper.  Some markets sell melting chocolate pieces and if yours does not, simply head to Michaels (any store that sells candy making stuff will do) or you can just melt chocolate chips. 
First, clean your strawberries by wiping them with a damp paper towel....this way they do not absorb too much water and let them air dry.  Next, melt your chocolate either in the microwave in a Pirex measuring cup or on the stove in a double boiler (I've done both ways).  Then, dip your strawberry by hand into the melted chocolate and place them on a wax paper covered tray and place them in your refrigerator (uncovered).  And guess what???? YOU ARE DONE!!!  You can place them in a nice Valentine box you can also find at Michaels or any craft store and just like that, you have the perfect homemade gift!  If you really want to get crazy....after dipping the strawberries in chocolate, you can sprinkle on all kinds of goodies likes mini M & M's, chocolate chips, sprinkles, chocolate crunchies, or even peanut butter chips.  Use your imagination!!!
O.K.....back on my nutrition box.....don't forget that strawberries are juicy little antioxidant powerhouses!!! So not only does this treat represent AMORE at this time of year, you will also be doing your body good and consuming a nice amount of Vitamin C!!   Enjoy!!!

Thursday, January 21, 2016


Let's face it, when we see something in writing, whether it be a review from our boss, a credit card statement, or a love note from our honey......when it's in writing, there is no running from the truth!! Well, the same can be said if we actually took the time to write down what we put in, or not put in our bodies on a daily basis.  I'm not saying get crazy and write down every gram of fat and calorie we consume.......that's not my style.  I'm saying to just simply write down what you eat, why you eat it, when you eat it, where you eat it, and who you were with!!   The 5 W's of truth......what, why, when, where, who with!!! Now say that 10 times in a row as fast as you can : )
In my experience, if you simply answer these five questions you will learn so much about yourself and your eating lifestyle.  You don't have to buy a fancy book at the health food store or book store.  Simply buy one of those "marble notebooks" we used to use in grade school or any note book will do and make your own diary!!  By keeping a food diary, you will learn so much about your eating style, what makes you "tick",  and will also make you be will make you think about your own behaviors and emotions.  
The 5 W's: 
What? - O.K...this one is simple, just write down exactly what you ate and the approximate amount.
Why? - This is where I need to you to dig deep and be honest....did I eat because I was hungry, bored, angry, sad, happy, and don't be afraid to list more than one reason if you have one.
When? - What time of day or night was it???
Where? - What was your location??  Car, couch, kitchen table, bed, work, store, outside?
Who? - Who were you with??? Yourself, coworkers, friends, family, husband, wife???  Sometimes you will notice a pattern with your food intake and who you are hanging out with.
The bottom line, you can't learn a "new" behavior or lifestyle as I like to call it, unless you understand your existing behaviors.  Look, I know we all want the very best for ourselves, including what we put in our bodies, and I would like to think that most of have a good idea as to what it's just that we need to take the time to become better acquainted with ourselves.....we need to know US!!!
Please take the time to better get to know yourself and what shapes your eating habits and success will follow.  After you have done this for a will be amazed as to why you make the food choices you make and how you can make positive changes in your life!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Mirror, Mirror
On The Wall

Mirror, mirror on the you think you are the fairest of them all???  How many of you out there look in the mirror and subconsciously state only all of the negatives things that you think you see?  You know who you are!  Well, I am asking you to try something new for 2016 and hopefully forever!!!  Instead of motivating yourself to eat clean and exercise based on self loathing thoughts or negative thoughts, do something good for yourself because you love yourself!!!  Yes, you heard me...change your lifestyle because you think you deserve the very best for yourself forever!! 
So many of us will only make changes in our lifestyle or commit to eating clean and exercise only when we think we have to because our jeans don't fit as well, or when we go to the doctor and they tell us our BMI (body mass index) is too high and we are overweight.  So we are only starting something based on a negative idea....what a way to start something!!!   Well, let's change this pattern and make changes in our lifestyles based on a positive thought......WE LOVE OURSELVES AND WE DESERVE THE VERY BEST OF EVERYTHING!!!
How many of you out there go and get your nails done every week because it makes you feel good and you deserve it??  And how many of  you go to the hairdresser like clock work because getting your hair done makes you feel good??  Nothing wrong with that..right?? YOU DESERVE IT!!!  Well, let's put wonderful nutritious foods into our bodies and exercise because we deserve it and it will give us the same euphoric effect!  I believe that if you start a lifestyle change based on a positive note....... like loving yourself and what you see in the mirror...what will now motivate you is "self love" !!   Nothing stronger than that!!!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

The Fabulous
Are you trying to increase fiber in your diet or perhaps just keep the "waste product" highway moving smoothly and efficiently???  Well I have a great solution......FLAXSEED!!! Not only is it loaded with both soluble and insoluble fiber, it's very affordable, which leaves more money for a cute dress!!   If you have a "slacker bowel" like many of us do......consuming just 2 tablespoons per day of this magic seed will turn your "slacker bowel" into SUPER BOWEL!!!  Let's face it, constipation is no comes with many hazardous pitfalls for your health.  The longer our waste products remain in our colon, the harder and more toxic it becomes for our body, so we want it out of us....on schedule!!!  It's a terrible cycle, the longer it remains, the harder it is to squeeze it out because all of the water is being absorbed, which can then lead to complications such as Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis.  Picture this if you dare....think of one of those long balloons clowns use to make animals out of (scary for some us!!)   Ok...stay with pretend you are holding one of them in your hands and you are squeezing it and a big "bubble" pops out, this is what Diverticulosis looks like....small pockets that form in your colon when you "strain" to eliminate that can cause all kinds of good things to get stuck in and lead to infection or even worse....PERFORATION!!!.   I don't know about you, but I would rather consume more fiber to prevent this and your solution could be Flaxseed.  Although you can buy Flaxseed already ground, you can also buy it whole in the market and you could just grind them yourself at home in a coffee grinder, which is what I like to do at times.  I love to add my Flaxseed to yogurt, oatmeal, or even sprinkle some on ice cream.   All you need is just 2 tablespoons of Flaxseed per day to enjoy the benefits of good health and a super efficient bowel highway!!!   Lets not also forget the added benefit of saying goodbye to our "waste products" in an efficient manner.......A FLAT TUMMY!!!!!!!  I am sure we can all appreciate this!!!!  So lets see.....flat tummy, smooth colon with no bubbles or pockets, inexpensive, feeling of being full......I'm in!!!  So the next time you head to the market with your GalsShopper....don't forget to put Flaxseed on the list!!!