What's Your
Trigger Food??
How many times have you sat on the couch and thought about a certain food in your refrigerator, freezer, or pantry.......I mean actually visualized eating that delicious tub of ice cream, chewing that soft cookie, or munching on that crispy chip?? After thinking about it for about an hour, collecting a gallon of saliva in your mouth (gross!), you do the slow swagger into the kitchen and you say, "I'll only have a little bit", but a little bit turns into almost eating the actual container or packaging of your "trigger food." But I'm not finished ladies and gentlemen, not only did you eat every last drop, this food craving then triggers additional food cravings, till before you know it you are eating poorly for the rest of the week!!!!! I call this the "Snow Ball Effect". We all have this "trigger food", but what is yours?.....and once you identify it, what do you do??
Let me tell you a secret....my trigger food is ice cream!! And guess what......that doesn't mean I don't buy it....the key is to only buy a small portion of your trigger food when you are actually going to eat it.....the key is to not stock it in your house like paper towels!!! When you have to make an effort to actually go out and buy your "trigger food"......you're more apt not to do it. DON'T KEEP IT IN YOUR HOUSE!!! If it's a sweet you're craving....eat a handful of berries or a fresh fruit. If it's something salty you're craving.....try a handful of salted almonds, or when all else fails......make yourself a cup of tea. Sometimes it's just a matter of keeping your hands busy till the craving passes!
I know I'm always telling you to make your shopping list and put it in your GalsShopper to shop smarter, but leave off your "trigger food" unless you plan on eating it that day!!! Good luck!!
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