Wednesday, May 25, 2016

What is Your Definition of Healthy??
Did you know that Kind Bars were not able to use the word "Healthy" on its packaging??  According to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), only foods that are very low in fat (no more than 3 grams) can use the word "healthy" as a claim!!! This leaves out a great deal of healthy snacks that contain nuts.  Hello.......let's jump into this decade please!!!  Remember way back in the day (circa 1990's) when "Fat Free Foods" were all the rage?  Hint.....The Simpsons and Friends were pretty hot T.V. shows, we all wanted the "Rachel" haircut, and the Spice Girls were all the rage!!  However, that was then and this is now, and we are a pretty nutrition savvy crowd!   
"Healthy Fats" are those found in nuts, avocados, olives, flaxseed, and fatty fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring, trout).  So I guess you can say that the FDA has been stuck in a "time warp".  Well, lets fast forward to the year 2016......we now know that "good fats" help to protect your heart and can support overall good health and should be a part of our daily diets.  So many thanks to the maker of Kind brand bars (which are my personal favorite and contain lots of yummy nuts) and their standing up to the FDA regarding not being able to use the words "Healthy and Tasty" because the FDA is now going to redefine the word "healthy" to reflect current day nutritional knowledge.  Thank goodness!!!   Kind will now be able to use the phrase "Healthy and Tasty" and perhaps the FDA will now turn their focus to the snack foods that are bought for our children and can last in your cabinets for 10 plus years!!!!  So be sure to put Kind Bars on your shopping list, say a silent thank you to them, put your shopping list in your GalsShopper, and head to the market knowing you will be doing something good for you and your families health.

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