Saturday, December 31, 2016


I'm not going to start this blog by preaching that we should all lose weight as part of our New Year's resolution.  Rather, I am going to ask that you close your eyes and imagine yourself in a peaceful, happy state.....whatever that may mean to you only and not societies standards!  Can you see it?? Now say to yourself....."How do I achieve this?"  Does it mean switching a job, changing your career, removing relationships in your life that don't make you feel good about yourself?  Whatever, the obstacle may be to you.......know that you have the power to change it and nobody else! On New Year's Day, most people say, "I'm going on a diet starting today!".........No!!! Don't do this......on New Year's Day say, "I'm going to give myself a better, happier life!!"   I urge you to start the new year with a positive statement and do what needs to be done to achieve it.  After all, we only have one life to live, don't waste another minute not being the best you possible!!  Happy New Year to you all and may this one and all others that follow be the happiest, most peaceful, and healthiest always!!!  

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