Saturday, July 30, 2016

Sugar...Let's Unmask 
Its Many Forms

Are you trying to lose those last 10 pounds??  Are you trying to just feel better??  Are you trying to improve your mood??  Well guess what, sugar and all of its many forms might just be what is standing in your way!

Let's start with the startling statistics......the average person consumes 60 pounds of sugar per year!!! This is like the weight of a small child!!!  The crazy thing is, you might be consuming sugar and not even know it.  Well today I will tell you exactly what to look for in the list of ingredients of the food items you buy at the market so you will be a "Sugar Savvy Shopper." 

First things first....if you are reading the ingredients and sugar is listed, it means it is not naturally found in this food product (Flag #1).  Second, some food companies are very aware and count on the fact that the general public is not aware of sugars many names and forms.  That's why the average American consumes 60 pounds of sugar yearly.  I believe, nutrition education is the key and I also believe that it should start with our children in grade school.  Why not teach all of our children when they are young so that we can end the epidemic of Diabetes and Obesity?  After all, if physical education is mandatory, why isn't teaching them how to live a healthier and happy life? 

The following is a list of the many disguises that sugar takes in our food:
  • High Fructose Corn Syrup, Lactose, Maltodextrin, Sucrose, Sorbitol, Sorghum Syrup
  • Dextrose, Dextrin, Glucose, Galactose, Barley Malt, Cane Crystals, Corn Syrup
  • Fruit Juice Concentrate, Molasses, Malt Syrup, Maltose, Sorghum Syrup
  • Caramel, Golden Syrup
There you have you know the enemy in disguise!!  Start taking the time to read those food labels and I guarantee you that you will improve you and your families quality of life forever!!  Memorize this list, write it on a piece of paper and clip it in your GalsShopper, or bring up my blog on your smart phone (it can be held in your GalsShopper easily of course!) and you can start making healthier food choices forever!! 

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