Thursday, January 21, 2016


Let's face it, when we see something in writing, whether it be a review from our boss, a credit card statement, or a love note from our honey......when it's in writing, there is no running from the truth!! Well, the same can be said if we actually took the time to write down what we put in, or not put in our bodies on a daily basis.  I'm not saying get crazy and write down every gram of fat and calorie we consume.......that's not my style.  I'm saying to just simply write down what you eat, why you eat it, when you eat it, where you eat it, and who you were with!!   The 5 W's of truth......what, why, when, where, who with!!! Now say that 10 times in a row as fast as you can : )
In my experience, if you simply answer these five questions you will learn so much about yourself and your eating lifestyle.  You don't have to buy a fancy book at the health food store or book store.  Simply buy one of those "marble notebooks" we used to use in grade school or any note book will do and make your own diary!!  By keeping a food diary, you will learn so much about your eating style, what makes you "tick",  and will also make you be will make you think about your own behaviors and emotions.  
The 5 W's: 
What? - O.K...this one is simple, just write down exactly what you ate and the approximate amount.
Why? - This is where I need to you to dig deep and be honest....did I eat because I was hungry, bored, angry, sad, happy, and don't be afraid to list more than one reason if you have one.
When? - What time of day or night was it???
Where? - What was your location??  Car, couch, kitchen table, bed, work, store, outside?
Who? - Who were you with??? Yourself, coworkers, friends, family, husband, wife???  Sometimes you will notice a pattern with your food intake and who you are hanging out with.
The bottom line, you can't learn a "new" behavior or lifestyle as I like to call it, unless you understand your existing behaviors.  Look, I know we all want the very best for ourselves, including what we put in our bodies, and I would like to think that most of have a good idea as to what it's just that we need to take the time to become better acquainted with ourselves.....we need to know US!!!
Please take the time to better get to know yourself and what shapes your eating habits and success will follow.  After you have done this for a will be amazed as to why you make the food choices you make and how you can make positive changes in your life!

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