Let me tell you something.....I don't care what size box of chocolates you buy...nothing says Valentine's Day better than a chocolate covered strawberry!!! And no....I'm not talking about ordering the gourmet ones that are going to further deplete your bank account....I'm talking about getting down and dirty and making your own!!! I don't know what Giada or Rachael Ray skills you possess, but guess what??? You don't need any!!! It is so easy to make a beautiful display of chocolate covered strawberries that I know you are going to kick yourself for never trying!!
Let's start by making your list....don't forget to clip it on your GalsShopper (I hope you have one by's amazing!!) and head to the store! All you need to buy is a few fresh packages of beautiful strawberries, melting chocolate, and wax paper. Some markets sell melting chocolate pieces and if yours does not, simply head to Michaels (any store that sells candy making stuff will do) or you can just melt chocolate chips.
First, clean your strawberries by wiping them with a damp paper towel....this way they do not absorb too much water and let them air dry. Next, melt your chocolate either in the microwave in a Pirex measuring cup or on the stove in a double boiler (I've done both ways). Then, dip your strawberry by hand into the melted chocolate and place them on a wax paper covered tray and place them in your refrigerator (uncovered). And guess what???? YOU ARE DONE!!! You can place them in a nice Valentine box you can also find at Michaels or any craft store and just like that, you have the perfect homemade gift! If you really want to get crazy....after dipping the strawberries in chocolate, you can sprinkle on all kinds of goodies likes mini M & M's, chocolate chips, sprinkles, chocolate crunchies, or even peanut butter chips. Use your imagination!!!
O.K.....back on my nutrition box.....don't forget that strawberries are juicy little antioxidant powerhouses!!! So not only does this treat represent AMORE at this time of year, you will also be doing your body good and consuming a nice amount of Vitamin C!! Enjoy!!!
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