Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Mirror, Mirror
On The Wall

Mirror, mirror on the you think you are the fairest of them all???  How many of you out there look in the mirror and subconsciously state only all of the negatives things that you think you see?  You know who you are!  Well, I am asking you to try something new for 2016 and hopefully forever!!!  Instead of motivating yourself to eat clean and exercise based on self loathing thoughts or negative thoughts, do something good for yourself because you love yourself!!!  Yes, you heard me...change your lifestyle because you think you deserve the very best for yourself forever!! 
So many of us will only make changes in our lifestyle or commit to eating clean and exercise only when we think we have to because our jeans don't fit as well, or when we go to the doctor and they tell us our BMI (body mass index) is too high and we are overweight.  So we are only starting something based on a negative idea....what a way to start something!!!   Well, let's change this pattern and make changes in our lifestyles based on a positive thought......WE LOVE OURSELVES AND WE DESERVE THE VERY BEST OF EVERYTHING!!!
How many of you out there go and get your nails done every week because it makes you feel good and you deserve it??  And how many of  you go to the hairdresser like clock work because getting your hair done makes you feel good??  Nothing wrong with that..right?? YOU DESERVE IT!!!  Well, let's put wonderful nutritious foods into our bodies and exercise because we deserve it and it will give us the same euphoric effect!  I believe that if you start a lifestyle change based on a positive note....... like loving yourself and what you see in the mirror...what will now motivate you is "self love" !!   Nothing stronger than that!!!

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