Monday, March 21, 2016

I love, love, love this time of year!!! Flowers are peaking out of the ground, the snow boots are going bye bye, melons are coming into season, and yes.....we get to color Easter Eggs!!!!  But how many of you out there leave them in your frig and end up throwing them out???  Don't!!!  Eggs are so awesome for you......gone is the thought that the egg is a "cholesterol bad guy."  Rather, we all now know that the egg is packed full of "eggstra" (corny, I know!) good nutrition.  Can we talk???
Nutritional facts about eggs you may not know:
  • An egg of medium size typically contains 6 grams of protein and only about 63 calories.  Research has shown that the high quality of protein found in eggs, helps to keep people feeling fuller (satiety) longer and thus prevents people from reaching for an unhealthy snack.  The result....weight loss, because you are eating less.
  • You can be an energizer bunny!!!  Eggs contain many vitamins and minerals that are required to produce energy in all of the wonderful cells in our bodies!! Who doesn't want more energy??
  • Eggs contain Lutein and Zeaxanthin that can help prevent Macular Degeneration, an eye condition that can lead to age-related blindness. 
  • Eggs contain Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, and Selenium, which all play a role keeping your immune system healthy. Cold....what cold??
  • PROTEIN!!!  Eggs are one of the best sources of protein!!  Whether you are looking to build more muscle, promote weight loss, or simply increase your protein intake, eggs are a star in my book.  Yes, they contain fat too....the majority of the fat (38% monounsaturated ....the good stuff) is found in the yolk...but I'm not saying to throw out the yolk by any means though.  After all....all foods are good in moderation. 
  • Now, if you can find eggs that have been enriched with Omega-3 Fatty Acid....even better!!  Omega-3-Fatty Acids are known to decrease Triglycerides in your blood.  Sounds good to me!!
So after the egg coloring bonanza with your family, eat your eggs!!!  Bring them to work as a snack....cut them up and put them in your salads......have them for breakfast....and know you are doing something wonderful for your body!

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