Sunday, December 20, 2015

I know what you are thinking......what could you possibly tell me what is healthy about a cookie???
Well, I am a positive thinker and I am always thinking of a positive twist on everything......including cookies!!!!  Well here it positive twist to make us all feel better. 
The ginger root in gingerbread cookies can help ease or relieve stomach aches, menstrual cramps, and for those of us with a guest on board......morning sickness!!!   Did you also know that ginger has been used in Asia for thousands of years as a natural treatment for colds!!
So bake up a batch of yummy Gingerbread Cookies....inhale the delicious smell and enjoy!!!
And for those of you who follow me and if you're new.......I believe all foods, and yes treats as well,  have a place in our lives.  Remember, MODERATION is LIBERATION!!!!  Do not eliminate all that you enjoy from your lives.  Instead, learn how all yummy things can fit into your life : )
I hope all of you have a happy and healthy holiday season and I look forward to sharing lots of good nutritional information with you in 2016!!!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Just because it is the season of eating out, you don't have to blow all of your hard work from throughout the year in one month!!!  No you don't have to break out the jeans that are usually one size bigger than you usually wear.....No you don't have to buy a new pair of "black stretchies" and a big "maternity looking" shirt......just keep these easy tips in your back pocket and enjoy!!! 
Tip #1) Just because the waiter brings you a plate the size of a turkey platter, you don't have to finish it.  Simply bring half of it home to enjoy the next day!!!! Saves your body and your wallet.  Also, I have noticed that some restaurants now offer half and full size portions.....and even if they don't, it never hurts to ask.......restaurants can be very accommodating...especially if you're nice about it!!
Tip #2) Skip the bread basket!!!!  I promise, you will live through it!!!  The more you do it, the better you will feel.  However, if they are offering whole grain breads.....feel free to partake and dip them in yummy olive oil (not butter).
Tip #3)  Start your meal with a small side salad, minus the creamy, cheesy dressings though.  I always order a balsamic based dressing on the side.  Not only is eating a salad good for you, it also provides you with a feeling of being full and satisfied (we call it satiety in the nutrition world) before your main meal reaches the table.  Eat till you are full, not till you are exploding and need to unbutton your pants!!
Tip #4) Chew, chew, chew!!!!  Take the time to actually chew your food......enjoy the flavors.  Pretend you are a food critic and you really need to be aware of the flavors in your mouth.  The more time you take to chew your food, the more time your are allowing your body and mind to realize that you are actually full!!
Tip #5) Something I always do and highly recommend to all of my clients is have a "Pre-Restaurant" snack and a big glass of don't have to be starving when you go to a restaurant!!!! How many times have you walked into a restaurant because you are starving and you have actually thought about eating the tables next to you food.  Well salivate no more!!.....simply eat a healthy snack and drink some water before you leave your home. 
I hope you all find these tips helpful!!!   They will work......just give them a try.  I promise, you will get used to it and in the end you will need only one size set of clothing and no elastic waste bands!!.
Good luck and may the "Clean Eating Force Be With You"!!!

Saturday, November 21, 2015


If your trying to build muscle, you have good reason to eat your turkey this year!!!!  Not only is turkey low in fat, its packed full of protein!!!  Just one 3 1/2 ounce white meat portion (about the size of a deck of cards) contains 29-30 grams of protein.....WOW!!! That's alot of protein!!!  And if your anything like me at Thanksgiving.......I'll be eating 2 decks of cards!!
Now if your trying to lose fat and build muscle (love my weights!), I recommend consuming about 1.2 to 1.6 grams of protein daily per kilogram of body weight.  How do you convert pounds into kilograms you may be asking??? Simply take your body weight and divide it by 2.2.  For example a 120 pound woman would = 55kg (I rounded 54.5 to 55kg).  So if  she were to consume 1.2 to 1.6 grams of protein per her kilogram of body weight it would equal 66-88 grams of protein. 
If your goal is weight loss, adequate intake of protein rich foods should be a very important part of your daily meal plan.  Try to eat at least 5 to 6 servings of protein throughout your day.  I know you have all heard this before, but protein is primarily found in meat, poultry, eggs, and fish, but you can also find some in dairy, grains, and vegetables.
So now you know how to calculate your own protein excuses.  You are officially armed with knowledge!!!  I hope you all enjoy your Thanksgiving and Gobble, Gobble!!!!......but just remember that turkey is not just for the holidays!!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Yummy Butternut Squash!!

Nothing says Fall like a Butternut Squash.......well maybe an Apple Cider Donut does too, but lets keep it healthy today!!!!  We all know how beautiful a Winter Squash looks in a Fall Scene in the center of our tables, but do we know how good they are for our health when we eat them and how easy they are to prepare???

Butternut Squash looks a little like a giant cream colored stretched out pear to me and they taste sweet and a little nutty at the same time.  But did you know how healthy they are for you??  Open one up and you will see a beautiful orange-yellow a summer sunset....O.K...a little too much Alison!!!  Anyway, did you know that Butternut Squash is an excellent source of vitamin A in the form of Beta Carotene.  Just eating a small serving can provide most of us with all the Vitamin A we need for the day.  Just one cube is packed with 195% of the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of Vitamin A for women.   Pretty good...right??  Vitamin A comes in handy for good eye health and a healthy immune system.   Also, did you know that a large portion of this Vitamin A comes from Beta Carotene (AKA Carotenoids).......gets a little confusing, I know!!   But if you can take away anything....know this....studies have shown that Beta Carotene is associated with a significantly reduced risk of developing lung cancer and may also help reduce the risk of breast cancer and skin damage caused by UV rays.   Butternut Squash is also a great source of Vitamin C and Potassium.  Just one cup of butternut squash has more Potassium than one banana!!

Here is a very simple and quick recipe to get all you NEWBIES started:

Take 2 Butternut Squash and cut them in half lengthwise and clean out the seeds (don't throw out seeds!!....I'll give you another tip for them).
  1. Place the squash on a baking sheet with the beautiful orange side facing up.
  2. Place 1 teaspoon of light butter (or regular if you like) in the middle of each half you cut.
  3. Now sprinkle each piece with brown sugar, cinnamon (if you like), salt, and pepper.
  4. Roast for 30 minutes at 400 degrees F. 
Easy!!!!! And your family will think you rock!!!!!

Now the seeds.....packed with some protein and good for your heart fats... can make a healthy and delicious snack.
Here's how you do it:
  1. Clean the seeds with water and remove any of the squash strings.
  2. Pat them dry and put them in a bowl.
  3. Add a little Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Salt and mix them well.
  4. Now spread them out on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake them for 20 minutes at 275 degrees F.  Yum, Yum!!!
I hope you all enjoy!!!!  Stay we will talk turkey!!!


Thursday, October 29, 2015

Happy Halloween!!

Oh boy!!!!! Candy, candy, candy everywhere!!!  Who doesn't like a piece of candy???? Let's face it, Halloween isn't just for the's for all of us!!!!  I know when you check your kids candy, that you secretly hide the piece you really want behind your back!!!  We all do it and as far as I'm is our right!!!!   As a Registered Dietitian, people always question we......"Do you let your kids trick-or-treat??"   Then its always followed up with, "But you don't let them eat the candy, right??" What kind of mother would I be if I didn't let my kids eat answer.....a horrible one!!!!  As I always say.....there is a place for everything in our lives and candy is no different.  Just eat it in MODERATION!!!  What I typically do is leave the candy accumulated from our 3 hour hike in a bowl on the counter for 2 days.  Then, I put it away....out of visual contact....usually in a tied up grocery bag and I then divvy it out....2 pieces (the little guys) daily for 1 week per child.  Whatever remains after this is then saved to take to our future movie theater saved ladies!!!  Candy can last for quite some time....just like the Cheese and Meat gift packs on the holidays!!!!!
My advice, don't stress over your kids or yourself for that matter eating candy.  Everyone should enjoy!!!  Trust me, all of you that do not let your kids eat candy (unless of course there is a medical reason).... your kids are going over their friends homes who can eat candy and are eating them out of house and home!!!!  I know this to be true because I grew up with 2 of them.........and trust me....they ate candy or whatever other sweets they could get a hold every chance they could get!!!!  So just relax and enjoy Halloween and all the goodies it has to offer.  Dare I say...use this fun holiday to teach your kids moderation!!!! It will last a lifetime!!!!!

Friday, October 16, 2015


Forget about Valentines Day, Halloween, or break-ups!!!!!   I hereby declare Dark Chocolate a yummy treat to consume all year round with absolutely no guilt involved!!!!  Why should our kids have all the fun?? We should too!!!   It's so funny because I don't know about your house, but in my house.....when I buy dark kids want no part of's as if it was only made for all of us "big kids"  because mine just do not like the way it looks!!  Sweet justice!!!!   Don't ask me why, perhaps its the more bitter taste than what kids are used to...I don't know...all I do know is that I hope it lasts for a long time!!

Here's the skinny on Dark's like everything else in this wonderful can enjoy it, BUT ONLY IN MODERATION.  I know you must be sick of hearing it.....but it is so true!  Now lets get to the learning part..So what's so good about Dark Chocolate???  It all starts with this little tiny seed from the cocoa tree and this little tiny seed is packed full of antioxidants......YES... the same stuff found in fruits and vegetables!!!  However, you have to buy the good stuff, not the milky looking chocolate bars that our kids love.  Make sure it contains 70-85% cocoa.   Now, I am not advocating consuming a Willy Wonka size bar at all.....but a nice small piece isn't going to hurt you at all!!!  In fact, as I tell many clients, the more you deny your taste buds a dance.....the more restricted you feel and then you end up binging!!   Remember though, Dark Chocolate does contain small amounts of sugar, but the darker the bar, the less sugar it will contain.

Some studies in very prestigious journals have toted that Dark Chocolate may actually help to lower High Blood Pressure in small amounts.   WOW!!  You are probably wondering how, right?? Well cocoa contains a compound called phenols that are known to lower blood pressure. just do me a favor.....remember what I said......only enjoy a small amount and don't replace your usual healthy stuff with Dark Chocolate......just make a wiser choice when you are at the chocolate store or are craving something rich and delicious!!! Enjoy!!!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Garlic...An Immune System
It's that time of year again....the leaves are turning beautiful colors, there is a chill in the air, the stores are loaded with Thanksgiving and Halloween goodies and yes......our noses are running!! Now is the time to take stock of all of our cold remedies and our tissue supply in our cabinets!!!  Not a good thought!  But did you also ever think of also adding more garlic to your repertoire of seasonal preventative measures????  I bet you didn't!! 
When we think of garlic, most of us think "stinky breath",  "can't kiss you now!!", and keeps the vampire away in movies!!!   But lets replace this thought with.....garlic may help prevent colds and disease!!!!
Yes!!! You heard me right.....and why wouldn't we do everything we can to help boost our immune systems??  Garlic has been used as a delicious additive to our favorite food dishes for generations, but did you know that it has also been used in medicinal ways for thousands upon thousands of years??  So right now you might be asking yourself....What makes garlic so great other than making me run for my mouthwash!!   Well, we have spoken about free radicals in the know, those nasty little foreign visitors that enter our bodies and increase our risk of developing diseases such as Cancer, Heart Disease, and Alzheimer Disease.  Well, I'm here to tell you that garlic is rich in antioxidants (the warriors that help to destroy free radicals) and may actually help prevent or at the very least reduce your risk of developing these diseases.  In addition, it may also prevent you and your family from getting the common cold!!  The average child can catch up to 6 and 12 colds per year and the average adult can catch between 2 and 3 cold per year.  That's alot of tissues and medications!!!  Studies have shown that people who consumed more garlic in their diet or took a garlic supplement were less likely to develop colds, or if they did develop a cold, their symptoms went away faster.  Garlic actually boosts your immune system!! Allicin is one of the immune boosting nutrients naturally found in garlic.  So again, I stress.....what we put in our mouths on a daily basis can effect our and our families health!!!!  Tired of missing work because you or your children are sick...tired of missing parties or girl's/boy's night out because you or your children are sick.....then think about what you are putting in your bodies every day!!!!  Eat CLEANER!!!!
So add garlic to all of your sauces, pasta dishes, chicken dishes, salads and so on!!! You may get bad breath....but your immune system will be pumped for the winter!!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Have you all heard the great news????  In case you have not........let me make your day!!! The Food and Drug Administration has now ruled that the food industry has only 3 years to eliminate nasty artery clogging artificial TRANS FATS from our food supply!!  Hip Hip Hooray!!!! We won!!! This decision is said to be expected to save not hundreds, but thousands of lives each year and prevent approximately 20,000 heart attacks. 
Some of you may be asking....What is trans fats?? Trans fat is what is formed when liquid oil is treated with hydrogen gas and then becomes a solid.  Yum, Yum....doesn't that sound appetizing!!!  This POSER FAT is being used to give processed foods a longer life and change the taste and texture of the food. The heck with our health....lets just make it taste better...makes absolutely NO sense!!!   However, over the years, studies have shown that trans fats not only raise bad cholesterol levels (LDL), it also lowers our good cholesterol (HDL)'s a double whammy on our bodies!.  That is why trans fats are such a major contributor to heart disease in our country.  Trans fats have already been reduced in many of our foods, but they can still be found in many products such as frostings, frozen pizzas, stick margarines, coffee creamers, boxed cookies/cakes, refrigerated dough (yes, even the cookie roll!), microwave popcorn, and basically anything that can stay in your pantry and last longer than the life of your car!!!
So everybody look forward to 2018 and one less thing to think about when we hit the supermarket jungle......but until then....choose wisely and read your food labels!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Help Fight Your Symptoms Of
Rheumatoid Arthritis
With Good Nutrition
Today we are going to discuss what role nutrition may play in keeping symptoms or "flare ups" at bay in those of us that suffer from an autoimmune disease.  What are autoimmune diseases??? An autoimmune disease is a disease that occurs when our own immune system attacks our own healthy not just the bad stuff, but our good stuff too.  So wrong.....I know!!!  Some of these autoimmune diseases are Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Addison's Disease, Sjogren Syndrome, Celiac Disease, Graves Disease, and Type 1 Diabetes.  But for todays topic, we will just focus on nutrition and its role in Rheumatoid Arthritis.
What is Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)?  RA is a chronic and painful autoimmune disease that affects our joints and connective tissue and in some cases, our organs.   In my opinion and experience, bringing your "scripts" to the pharmacy is not the only thing we can do for ourselves when you suffer from RA.  Numerous studies have shown and I have had the benefit of actually seeing patients with good outcomes when they eat a "Clean" Diet.   When I say "Clean", I mean well balanced and as much plant based foods as possible.  Your nutritional plan should consist of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean sources of protein, and low fat dairy foods.  Your plate should be a colorful canvas to ensure that you are getting all of the wonderful antioxidants in vegetables and fruits!!! I definitely recommend buying white plates.....that way you can see all of the beautiful colors and it makes you enjoy your food that much more!!!  Also rich in antioxidants to be included in your "Clean" diet are nuts, beans, dark chocolate (don't get carried away!!), green tea (my favorite!!) and red wine (again, don't get carried away!!)  However, also make sure to put fish at the top of your list!!!!  The omega-3-fatty acids found in salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring, and trout are considered to be a major anti-inflammatory in food.  Numerous studies have shown that consuming omega-3-fatty acids in food or supplement form can help ease symptoms of stiffness and joint pain.  However, check with doctor before you start taking the supplement form because it may interfere with other medications you are on if you don't take the proper dosage.  Recent research suggests about 2.7 grams per day is needed to help ease symptoms. 
Have any of you ever heard of C-Reactive Protein (CRP)????  Well, CRP is an indicator of inflammation in our blood.  Some of you may have seen this on your lab sheet after you get your blood tests done and if you have never seen  any of your actual lab sheets and instead just accept a letter from your doctor saying "All labs are good or within normal limits".  Wrong!!!! If you have an autoimmune disease or not, you should always ask for an "actual" copy of labs for you to see and compare year after year....after's your blood!!!  O.K., I'm off my soap box!!!  Back to CRP.....the good news is that many studies have shown that by increasing fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your daily nutritional regimen......CRP levels decrease!! Yay!! 
I'm sure this way of eating all sounds pretty familiar to you is just a healthy way of eating.  Minimize the sugar and fat laden foods......I promise that you will feel the difference after the first week of following this "WAY OF LIFE".  Also, if your not a "food network star"......the kitchen needs to become your best friend.  Eliminate processed foods in a box or can and get cooking!!!!  Have fun in the kitchen!!!   I realize that we should all try to follow this way of life, but for those of us that suffer from an autoimmune is a necessity.  And don't forget to exercise within your limits...this too will help your overall well-being!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Would You Like A Straw With Your Cup Of Sugar??

When was the last time you poured sugar in a glass, put a straw in it, and served it to your kids?? Probably never right???  But in actuality, that is what many of us do!!!  Who out there packs your kids lunch boxes with sugar laden drinks in the name of hydration??  I know you're out there!!!  Let's take this back to school time as an opportunity to make changes in our kids nutritional intake together!!
Look....we have all heard in some form or another that we are giving our children way too much added sugar in their diets in the form of drinks. But guess what? of the easiest ways to limit their intake of "added sugar" is to cut down their intake of sugary drinks.  Yes.....we do need sugar in our diets because it is an important energy source......but I am talking about "naturally occurring sugar."  What is this??? This is sugar that is found naturally in milk, fruits, grains, and vegetables.  "Added Sugar" is sugar that is added during the processing of food such as corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, dextrose, sucrose, and crystalline fructose.   "Added Sugar" can be found in the very fruit drinks, soda, and sport drinks we send our kids to school with!!!.  Research has found that excessive sugar intake in our kids can lead to increased risk of Heart Disease, Diabetes, Stroke, and Obesity.   Also, consuming sugary drinks can trigger even more sweet cravings and then our kids want even more sugar in some form or another!!!  It's a vicious cycle!!
Here's a little guide to help you make better choices.... 1 teaspoon of sugar = 4 grams.  The following are recommendations or guidelines from The American Heart Association for the amount of "added sugar" our children should have on a daily basis:   
                      Preschoolers - about 4 teaspoons added sugar per day (=16 grams)
                      4-8 yrs. - about 3 teaspoons added sugar per day (=12 grams)
                      Pre-teen to Teen yrs. - about 5-8 teaspoons sugar per day (=20-32 grams)
The following are some beverages we typically give to our children with their sugar content:
     Soda (12oz) = 41 grams sugar                  Iced Tea (12oz) = 24 grams sugar
     Orange Juice (12oz) = 31 grams sugar     Apple Juice (12oz) = 41 grams sugar
     Typical Sports Drink (12oz) = 21 grams sugar
If you look at the above numbers, you can see how the sugar adds up easily if they are consuming these beverages as their primary hydration source!!!  Here's the good news...studies have shown that changing just 1 sugary drink per day can cut your kids risk of developing Heart Disease, Diabetes, Stroke, and Obesity by as much as 25%!!!!!!       
Here are some great tips to get you and your family started.....just remember, small changes to start will give you better long term results!!   Start giving your kids water in place of a sugary beverage at dinner.  Let the whole family drink water at dinner....our kids learn from us!!  Second, try buying a Fruit Infuser...they are great!!!! You can put whatever fruit or even cucumbers in the pitcher and the water takes on the flavor of it!!  You can find these great Fruit Infusers at many home and department stores.....they are usually about 15-20 dollars.  Also, have your kids cut the fruit and put it in the pitcher with you....they love to participate.  The more they participate, the more they will be more apt to drink it!!  Another great idea.....make fruit ice cubes.  Chop up fruit, put them in ice cube trays, add water, freeze and you have instant fruity tasting water!! are now armed with the knowledge to make better get started providing your children with a healthier future!!!

Saturday, August 22, 2015


It's the most wonderful time of the year! know the song!!  Well it's time to dust the sand off your feet, put away the sunblock, and finish buying school supplies......even worse, it's time to start thinking about school lunches and snacks. This is what I do....try to look at the first day of school as if it's New Year's Day.....a new beginning!!! I do and I also try to take the opportunity the make good changes in my kids nutrition.  I strongly urge you to take this opportunity to make small changes....very subtle to start. 
First and foremost, I beg of you to please, please, the snack size "baggies" to teach your kids proper portion sizes.  Even if you fill them with what you would normally give them, I can guarantee you that you will cut the portion size in half if you buy these bags (see above!!!!).  Also very cool are the little disposable containers that are available in the supermarkets (see above!!!)......only I just keep washing them and reusing waste!! 
Second, lets talk about what we can fill these bags and containers with.  My advise, make one change at a and adults for that matter adapt best with small at a time, maybe one per week.  Introduce one new healthy food at a time.  For example, if you typically give them regular potato chips, buy a bag of baked chips and mix them in with regular chips and then taper off the amount of regular chips as time goes on until there are no more!!!.  Give them low fat or reduced fat cheese cubes or sticks instead of the full fat version.   Instead of those orange stained puffs or chips....give them Whole Grain Goldfish, whole grain crackers, pretzels, or Pirate Booty.   Nuts are always a great protein packed snack and if you mix them with pretzels, raisins, or dried have an awesome trail mix!!!! The high protein snack bars (so many to choose from) also make a great school snack.  Kind Bars, Cliff Bars, Special K Bars are all great choices!!!

Don't count out Vegies or Fruits as snacks either!!!!  Put some humus, reduced fat peanut butter, or low fat ranch dressing in one the small containers you are going to buy (my subliminal message) and your kids can dip them!!!
As parents, we need to remember that we set the example and we buy the food!!!!  Yes, kids are creatures of habit.....but we can still change what we started......that's right...we created this and we can change it!!!  Sit down with them in the next few weeks and explain to them that you are going to slowly change their snacks to help improve their health....involve them....the more you involve them...the more they will feel a part of it.  Ask them if there is anything they would like to may be surprised...and if they don't like what you're doing....just remember you're THE BOSS!!! Stay strong and remember that it's our job to teach our kids what good nutrition is.  Good luck and if you have any questions......please post and ask!!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Do You Suffer From
Carb Confusion??
Picture are sitting in one of your favorite Italian restaurants and there is a delicious basket of bread in front of you and then you're given a menu and you instantly begin to salivate over the ocean of pasta dishes before you!  Decisions, decisions.......and then this terrible, haunting voice in your head says....."You can't eat CARBS!!!!!"   But is this voice correct????  I think not!!!
One of the most frequently boasted statements I hear from people as a Registered Dietitian and dare I say...they even wear it as a badge of honor..."Oh, I don't eat Carbs."   But, is this the right way......I think not again!!
I am happily here to tell you, "Of course you can eat Carbs!!   Don't get me wrong, the kinds of carbohydrates you eat are important and even the timing of when you consume them is important too.  Here's the skinny on this subject...the bulk of Carbs you eat should come from the slower digesting group such as whole wheat pasta, whole wheat cereals/breads, brown rice, legumes, and various fruits.  Here is a little tip just to give you an idea as to how much is enough in one day...1 gram of carbs per pound of bodyweight for a woman on days that you workout....on "no workout" days, cut it down to .5 gram of carbs per pound of a 130 pound woman can have 130 gram of carbs on workout days and 65 grams on days with no exercise. 
Fast-digesting Carbs such as white rice, regular pasta, white bread, sports drinks, and potatoes leave your stomach and are absorbed in your intestines faster resulting in an insulin surge (a hormone in your body), which may make you hungry again faster, but should they be eliminated.....absolutely not!!!  All foods have a place in our just need to eat them in MODERATION and know when the best times are!!!  Some studies have suggested that after you workout, your muscles benefit from a surge in insulin to help fuel muscle growth and to help this may be a better time to consume fast-digesting Carbs.
The bottom line...the more you know about what you are fueling your body with, the better you will know how to do it and you won't have to ban any food!!  Now imagine are sitting in the same Italian restaurant.....and now the voice in your head says, "order whatever you want because you know what your doing!!!"   Much better!!

Monday, July 27, 2015


I know many of us have been cruising the supermarket aisles and noticing packages boasting that they are Non-GMO foods....Great....but do you know what it means??????  If you are like so many of us...let me provide you some brief facts so you can get it on the conversation.
GMO stands for "Genetically Modified Organisms".  They are basically any living organism whose genetic material has been artificially changed in a lab somewhere by a "white lab coat" wearing person by means of genetic engineering.  Sounds yummy doesn't it!!!!  What this process does is it creates unstable combinations of animal, plant, bacterial and viral genes (not the blue ones we love!!) that do not naturally exist in nature. Why do they do this you may be asking??  Well, they do this so that the product can withstand direct application of herbicide and or to produce an insecticide. They claim that a GMO food may offer increased yield, help promote drought tolerance, and get this....enhanced nutrition (What???).  How do we know if a food we purchase contains a GMO you ask??  The answer....we have no mandatory labeling policy in place!!  That's why we are seeing more food items in the supermarket with lovely labels bragging that it is  "NON GMO Project Verified".  If you can believe this......80% of conventional processed food in our very own stores contain GMO's!!!
So now you have the basic skinny on it....I wanted to keep it light, but we will talk more about GMO's for sure!!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

It's very interesting... we all constantly speak about feeding our bodies with the best nutrition possible on a daily basis, but how many of us feel it is just as important....if not even more important at times than to feed our souls??  I'm sure we all have a very different answer as to how we go about doing could be a walk, it could be just reading a good book, it could be watching a baby in a store, or it could be watching our children smile.  There are a million answers to this question and they would all be correct because it is a very personal answer for us all. 
I just returned from a beautiful vacation with my family.....
But guess what....I didn't have to go on an airplane to find peace and you don't have to either!! As a dietitian, I always discuss healthier eating habits.......but it's not always all about what is going into your body, but rather....what is going on in your mind.  Find some peace within yourself every day!!!!  Go outside and listen to nature, watch a sunset, listen to the ocean and the laughter of children.....just find what brings you peace and BREATHE!!!
No food talk today folks...............just please don't forget to feed your soul and you'll be amazed at how it might change you!!!

Friday, July 3, 2015

Happy 4th of July to you all!!!  Any opportunity I can take to make some kind of themed trifle....I get so excited!!  Trifles are so cool because they look as if you've slaved in the kitchen all day baking something truly special for everyone to enjoy, but in reality they are so easy and fun to make.  O.K....I am no Martha Stewart...I start with a boxed cake mix ( what!!) or even better, your local supermarket always has some fresh baked pound cake or angel food cake ready for you pick up and take home.  You can make a trifle in a big glass trifle dish or even more fun, you can use small plastic "clear" cups for individual trifles.  Ingredients are easy....start the bottom layer with cubed angel food or pound cake. Next layer, add vanilla pudding (Jello brand already prepared is my favorite!).   Then, add a layer of blueberries and another layer of cake.  Last, add a layer of whipped cream (I like Cool Whip!!) and then top with strawberries or raspberries.  Yum, Yum!!!! Now dig in and enjoy this tasty treat guilt free.  If you do make a large trifle.....a sparkler inserted in the middle when serving makes quite the scene!   Remember, life is about BALANCE.....not SELF DEPRIVATION!!!  Celebrate our Independence!!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

How About A Mandarin???

 I don't know about you, but as both a Registered Dietitian and a Mom, I can talk and preach till I am blue in the face, but there is only so much I can say to get my kids to try new fruits!!!!  Forget my background, forget the fact that I try to set a good example by eating fruits took a company with marketing genius to get my kids to actually ASK...yes I said ASK me to buy Mandarin's....AKA Halo's!!!!!!  For once, the power of marketing to my kids and many kids out there is totally positive and dare I say GENIUS!!!!   The commercials were hysterical not only to my kids, but to me and my husband!!   I knew they hit their target market when I brought my girls to the market and they said, "I want Halo's!"  For once, I was more than pleased to oblige was almost as if I was actually getting what I want with absolutely no effort on my part.  Think about all the advertisements our kids get bombarded with on a daily basis and now think about how many of them are actually beneficial and positive.  I can't think of many positive!!! 
Now lets talk about what a Mandarin is a small citrus fruit with a loose skin.  The three requirements to be a Halo is it has to be easy to peel, seedless, and sweet.  The benefits of consuming these sweet little beauties are that they are naturally fat and cholesterol free, they come with their own neat packaging (thanks to Mother Nature!!!), they are rich in Vitamins A, B6, Thiamine, Niacin, Folate, Antioxidants, and Vitamin C.   In a nut shell, consuming these can decrease your risk of developing Diabetes, Stroke, Cardiovascular Disease, Obesity, and Hypertension.  If this is not enough to get you excited, how about the fact that they are rich in Soluble Fiber and Minerals including Potassium, Copper, Iron, Calcium, Phosphorus, and Magnesium.   These help with Red Blood Cell Synthesis and bone support, as well as support immune system health. And last but certainly not least, how easy it is to put these in our kids lunch snack or sandwich bag needed!!!
So, for once I will say, "Thank you for marketing to my kids in a positive way!!!!"  I love it!...the more help to get our children to eat healthier foods the better.  To use the power of marketing for something positive is awesome!!!!  Let's hope this starts a trend!!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Conversations with my girlfriends always go something like this....what are you doing??  do you want to do something this week??  what's your schedule like??? and last but not least...WHAT ARE YOU MAKING FOR DINNER???   I don't know about you and your girlfriends, but with's all about the food!!!!  More often than of us is making Quinoa (pronounced Keen-wah).   I started thinking...Quinoa is very "hip" and "happening" now.....but why????   Let me give you the skinny on Quinoa.
For me and a lot of others, Quinoa is truly a super food that I feel deserves a lot more attention and shout outs!!!    To start, most people think Quinoa is a grain, but it is actually a protein packed seed!  Yes....I said a seed.  It contains healthy fat and most importantly contains all of the essential amino acids and can also therefore be considered a complete protein....the best of its kind.   1 cup of Quinoa contains 8 grams of protein, 5 grams of fiber, and 222 calories. And yes....its low on the Glycemic Index (a measure of how quickly foods raise your blood sugar) and high in Antioxidants!   How could you go wrong??
One of the best things about Quinoa, besides my kids loving it!, is that it takes on whatever flavor you decide to add very well, whether it be garlic, onion, cilantro, or shallots.  You can serve it hot or can make a great cold salad with it for the summer. 
So I challenge all of you to try it out!! Take the Quinoa challenge!!  Use it in place of rice, potatoes, and pasta for one month and I guarantee you will see magical results in the mirror and it will change how you feel.  Let me know what happens....I want to hear from you!!! 


Thursday, June 11, 2015

  1. Blueberry Season is Here!!
Yes!....those beautiful little jewels are back and in season!!!  Not only is it the best time to buy them for their best peek flavor, they are also at their least expensive price!!!  
In case you haven't already heard all of the great benefits your body and mind can receive from these little gems...lets talk!! 
  • Blueberries have one of the highest antioxidant contents among all fruits.  What does this mean for you??  It means that they can optimize your health by fighting all of the "free radicals" that enter your body and damage your cells on a daily basis.
  • New exciting evidence now suggests that blueberries can help improve memory, prevent Alzheimer's Disease, and may even reverse some memory loss due to aging.  Anthocyanin, which give blueberries their rich blue color is the powerful antioxidant found in blueberries.
  • Not enough time to eat all of your blueberries right problem!  Just freeze them...studies show that by freezing your blueberries, you will not damage their anthocyanin antioxidants.  Yay!!
  • Blueberries function as a Low Glycemic Index fiber rich fruit in terms of their effect on your blood sugar.  What this means is that they do not have a big impact on your blood sugar level.  A subject we can talk about in more detail in the future!!!
  • 1 Cup of Blueberries provides only 84 calories, 3.6 grams of dietary fiber, and 24% Daily Value of Vitamin C based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
  • Repeated studies have shown, consuming 1-2 cups of blueberries per day and over a period of 3 months can improve blood fat balances.  This means a reduction in total cholesterol, increase in HDL cholesterol (the good stuff!), and a decrease in triglycerides (the bad stuff!). 
  • Studies have shown that routine blueberry intake can also support healthy blood pressure.  In people with high blood pressure (Hypertension), blueberry intake has been shown to reduce both systolic (the top number..tells you the pressure on the walls of the artery when your heart is pumping)  and diastolic (the bottom number.. tells you the pressure in your blood vessels between heart beats, at rest)  blood pressures. 
How do we choose the best blueberries in the supermarket??? Just make sure they are firm and if you shake the container, they should move freely.  If they do not, this may mean that they are too soft or moldy.  The blueberries should also be free of moisture and have a lively hue.  Blueberries can range in color from deep purple-blue to blue-black.  Don't be afraid of the silvery sheen called a bloom.  This is just a natural protective shield also found on apples and pears.  It is safe to eat and helps preserve the fruit longer.  Blueberries will keep for up to two weeks in the refrigerator if kept dry.
Some great ways to include blueberries in your healthy eating lifestyle (notice I didn't say diet!!) is by adding them to smoothies (see previous recipe), cold/hot breakfast cereals, or yogurt.  They are also great over your morning pancakes or waffles.   A great dessert that I have made for both kids and adult parties is I buy the wooden kabob sticks and place fresh blueberries on them (think BBQ style).  I then melt dark chocolate and spoon it over the blueberry kabobs (cover them completely)  and then place them on a wax paper lined tray and place them in the refrigerator.  Delicious!!!!  It's so easy and the kids even love them!!!
So the next time you head to the supermarket with your GalsShopper in hand, make sure blueberries are on the top of your list!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2015


Most of you already know that fish is a protein packed power house food. But, did you also know that research suggests that eating fish may actually help you lose fat!!  How??  The answer...fat, yes fat!  The more fat the fish contains, the better!  What??

Certain types of fish, like some kinds of tuna, salmon, sardines, and trout contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids.  Now you're probably saying...What is an omega-3 fatty acid???  Omega-3s are a type of polyunsaturated fat found primarily in seafood.  They are great for our cardiovascular system because they help prevent irregular heartbeat, decrease blood clotting, increase your HDL (the good cholesterol), decrease blood pressure, and help reduce the build-up of "fatty" plaques inside our artery walls.....WOW!!!   Now scientists have also found that eating omega-3s also increases your bodies fat burning ability and if you combine this with regular exercise, you can actually lose weight faster. 

Another perk to eating more fish....I find it is so much easier and faster to cook fish than chicken or beef when I am pressed for time.  You can bake it in the oven, grill it on your stove top. or put it in one of those great "fish baskets" for your BBQ grill.  My family loves it when I grill tilapia fillets and make fish tacos!!! 

Here's a quick guide the next time you go to the supermarket:

Tilapia (4oz)   Calories: 108  Fat: 2 grams     Protein: 23 grams
Tuna     (4oz)  Calories: 131  Fat: 1 gram       Protein: 29 grams
Salmon (4oz)  Calories: 131  Fat: 4 grams     Protein: 22 grams

So the next time you head to the market, when you think can  think "fat burning" and protein!!!!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

How To Be a Smart Shopper
How many times have you entered the supermarket and just wandered around thinking, "What am I making for dinner this week?" You then travel from aisle to aisle just waiting for your salivary glands to kick in or for a colorful item to simply catch your eye.  You then realize that you have to continue to travel back and forth between the aisles again just to complete the culinary masterpiece you just thought of!!!  I have just one question.....Who has the time to do this?????   In order to stop the supermarket mambo you need to have a well thought out descriptive shopping list.  Yes, I know this sounds so boring and Stepford Wives like, but this is the key to good nutrition and completing your shopping in record time.
When I say a list....I don't mean the little post-it note you jot down on your way out of the house or office....I mean a list that groups your foods by their assigned food group/ fruits, vegetables, grains/cereals, dairy, meats, deli etc..... As a Registered Dietitian, I can tell you that when you plan your meals in advance, in a good state of mind, and not will make the best nutritional choices.   First, ask yourself, "How much time do I have this week for meal preparation?"......Do I have to run to games, practices, work functions, or parties?  Second, ask yourself, "What's my food budget like this week?".....Do I have extra money to buy scallops?  Once you have answered these questions, you can start making your list.
Now that you know what you're going to eat, there is no guess work when you get into the market.  No longer will you need to make the 5th stop at the market for the week to get missing ingredients!!! One trip only is all you will need....One Stop Shopping!!!  Oh yeah, another also won't be tempted to "impulse buy" because you're just there to pick up a few things. 
Also, I highly recommend going to your local craft stores and picking up those magnetic fridge pads they sell in the "Dollar" bins.  I always have one on my fridge and every time you run out of an item...write it on the pad immediately so you definitely won't forget to pick it up. Your days of running out toothpaste over!!
Last, but certainly not least....don't forget to bring your GalsShopper with you to the market so that you too can enjoy a new efficient way of shopping.....hands free, organized, and looking up!  Now you are a Smart Shopper!

Thursday, May 21, 2015


As a mother of two young children, I understand how busy your schedule can be.  Most days it may feel like you've done everything for everyone else and nothing for you!!   As a person who has always been physically active, having children really put my "Me Time" on the back burner.  I was now trying to juggle my work life, my exercise schedule, "mommy and me" classes, parks, birthday parties, play dates, homework, and just the usual  household stuff.  Way too much to juggle,!!  So like so many of us.....I always sacrificed myself first.  One day, feeling frazzled as ever, and wearing my favorite ponytail hairstyle and comfortable sweatpants (my uniform of choice at the time) , I realized that I wasn't doing anybody any good at all if I wasn't taking care of myself.  It is this day I said to myself, "I AM DONE!"  From that day forward, I made sure that I made time to take care of myself whether it meant doing my hair, makeup, or just taking time to exercise.  I won't lie, I felt guilty for a while because it meant not doing something else for someone else.....but to give yourself the gift of time, to nurture your body and soul, is the best gift you can give to your family.  When my children were old enough to understand and they were pretty young (children are capable of understanding more than you know!), I sat them down and explained to them that when I take uninterrupted time for myself, I am making me a better person and in turn a better mother.  What better gift than to teach your children that good health helps you live a longer, healthier, and happier life!!!  Don't get me wrong...they still interrupted me as all children do, but in time it became less and less.  Now, if I am exercising in my home, they either wait till I'm finished, come downstairs to exercise with me, or just hang out!!  What better example can you set!!!!   A good tip for all of you with toddlers is to set up some toys, coloring books, etc. in the area you are exercising or most gyms have babysitting services available.  In order for this to be successful, don't give up when they push consistent and above all "NO GUILT".  You were a spectacular person before children and you should feel spectacular now!!   In private practice, I encounter many women who say, "I have no time because I have to take them to their sports practice."  SOLUTION....if you are at a field....go for a walk around the field while they are playing or practicing.  Tell your kids, "I am here and can watch you while I exercise."  So I am here to tell you to give yourself the gift of health and do it guilt free!!!!! 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

What Can You Do With Fruit That Is Too
 Ripe For Your Families Liking??

If your kids are anything like mine, a banana with dark spots and a strawberry that has any soft spots whatsoever on it might as well be a piece of liver and sends them running for the hills!!  I found myself constantly throwing away perfectly good ripe fruit because myself or my husband couldn't eat it all ourselves.  Finally, one day, I took down the kids parlor style ice cream sundae glasses and colorful straws and put my blender to work!!  The outcome was awesome!   I created the prettiest, most appealing, nutritious, yummy smoothie for all of us and I didn't throw away my perfectly good fruit. It was definitely a proud Mom moment....I outsmarted them!!
When your fruit starts to get very ripe and is no longer acceptable for consumption by your kids (the biggest food critics in the world), place it in the freezer and make a delicious Frozen Fruit Smoothie.....perfect for those hot summer days!
RECIPE: (provides 2 servings)
1 Frozen Banana (peeled and cut into chunks before freezing)
1 Cup Frozen Strawberries
1 Cup Skim Milk
1/2 Cup Vanilla Fat Free Yogurt
1 Packet Truvia or 1T Honey    
Place all of the above ingredients in the blender and process until smooth.
Pour into a glass and serve...yum, yum!
If the fruit is not frozen, just add 2-3 ice cubes.     
* provides approximately 352 calories (with Honey), 14grams protein
* if you would like to add more protein, simply add 2T non-fat dry milk powder
   (=6grams protein, additional 60 calories).
* for a non-dairy smoothie, substitute 1 cup rice milk for the milk and yogurt.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Eat Clean or Diet???
Skinny or Healthy??
What Are You and What Are You Doing??

I was recently at a party and overheard a conversation amongst some ladies discussing the many "diets" they have attempted to master and the current diet they were attempting to conquer.  It was then that one woman turned in my direction (without knowing I was a Registered Dietitian) and stated, "you're skinny, what diet are you on?"  In less than two seconds she realized "skinny" is no longer a compliment, rather it implies that you are unhealthy!!!  She apologized immediately and I found it so refreshing that people are finally starting to recognize the difference between being skinny and being healthy.  This then opened the door to a great conversation....I explained to her that I do not diet, rather I eat clean.  She asked, "Whats That?"  That's a great question!!
What is "Eating Clean"?  I guess the response would depend on who you're taking to.  Is it eating only organic foods?  Is it eating only Non-GMO foods?  Is it eating only low fat foods?  For me, eating clean is not a diet at is a way of life, a lifestyle.   For myself and many of you out there, Eating Clean is eating foods that have not been overly processed or engineered.  It is eating foods that do not contain trans fat or dyes.  It is consuming proper portion sizes and drinking two to three liters of water every day.  It is eating a complex carbohydrate and a lean protein at each meal.  It is eating a food that you can actually read the ingredient list in less than five minutes and without a translator! Eating Clean is so many things, but one thing is for is not a is a lifestyle!!
Do you guys remember the saying in the 80's and 90's, "NO PAIN, NO GAIN!"  Wow!, how things have changed.  We know now that causing your body pain is not going to make your body gain anything but injury.  It is my hope that one day, "What diet are you on?" will also become a saying of the past!
How do you eat clean??? Tell me and the GalsShoppers community "How you do what you do!!"
Also, I am happy to announce that you can get your own GalsShopper now to help you shop smarter and shop more organized.  Go to and see what all the buzz is about!  Be one of the first to have a revolutionary GalsShopper!





Thursday, April 2, 2015

Can We Maintain Good Nutrition On Vacation??

O.K.....So we all know the routine.  We all start cleaning up our diet and ramping up our exercise routines at least one month prior to vacation.  But what happens to all of our hard work once we are on vacation?  Should we or do we have to just blow all caution to the wind while on vacation??  My answer is, ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!   I just came back from spring break vacation with my family and I can tell you for sure that all of your hard work before you left for vacation does not have to be lost.  Yes, of course you are going to enjoy an ice cream cone or cake with your kids, but all is not lost if you follow some tips. 

First, always start your day with eating breakfast and since you are on vacation, there is no need to rush.  Eating breakfast starts your engine for the day.  Even if you are at a huge breakfast buffet, there are so many healthy choices you can make.  Oatmeal, fresh fruit, an egg white omelet, or yogurt are always available. 

Next, always bring your water bottle with you.  Water should always be the "go to" drink while on vacation.  Not only will it keep you hydrated, but it will keep you from feeling sluggish because we all know that you are always on the go even though it is vacation.

I love going to the local fruit and vegetable markets while I am on vacation with my family. For some reason, they are always more open and eager to trying new fruits or vegetables on vacation.  I try to have them try as many as possible and then I find them when I get home and they eat them because they always associate it with a great memory!!  Try it....I bet you it will work!!

Always pack snacks for you and your family to have throughout the day.  I bring an insulated bag wherever we go and I pack it with nuts, fruits, rice cakes, pretzels, yogurt, etc...  I also bring a box of snack size bags with me so that I can be sure I am giving my kids a "healthy portion" size.  Never hand your children a whole bag of is important that we teach them an acceptable portion size.  Otherwise they have a tendency to just keep eating!!!

Never skip meals while on vacation!!!!   Make sure you eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  In fact, you should try to eat five to six smaller meals each day to keep your metabolism regulated and help your body be the calorie burning machine that it is. 

As far as exercise....I know most hotels have great exercise facilities, but you may not want to leave your family behind.  What I love to do is take advantage of the weather and my surroundings.  I go for long walks, bike rides, swims, or hikes with my family.  We never get to spend the quality time like we do on vacation, so take advantage of it!  My girls love the one on one time with me and we are all getting great exercise together.

Yes, vacation is fun....but you definitely do not have to totally just let go of living a healthy lifestyle too.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Muscle and Metabolism

Hello everyone!  I hope everybody has recovered from the holiday frenzy of gift buying and consuming an overabundance of baked goods!!  Has anyone started to head back to the gym yet? Well if you did or didn't, I wanted to give you some food for thought. 

I have been incorporating weight lifting in my exercise routine since I was a teenager because I loved the way the weights felt in my hands and the way they made my body feel and look.  So many times I have heard people say to me..."I don't lift weights because I want to get smaller, not bigger" or "I want some muscle, but I don't want to look like a man."  My response has always been the can't look like a man because you are not a man!.  Incorporating weight resistance in your routine will not only give you more shape, but will also increase your metabolism!!!  Yes that's right ladies, you will actually burn more calories at rest with more muscle on your frame.  Hooray!!! Something natural that will actually make your body work harder even when you are reading and just hanging out with your crew or kids... Yes it does exist!  
Muscle is what we call the "hungriest" tissue in your body, so the more you have, the faster your metabolism.  So lift those weights and burn baby burn!!!  Don't get me wrong, Cardio is a great way to burn calories and work your cardiovascular system, but weight resistance is the key to building muscle and strength.  I suggest using weights in your routine 2-3 times per week and if you have never worked with weights before, start out with light weights with high repetitions (15-20).  Just try it for at least a month and I promise you that you will feel and see a difference in the mirror.  Consistency is key!!!!  Never give up!!! 

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Happy 2015 to all! The majority of us (myself included) always start the new year with many high aspirations, new hopes, and pledges to do things differently.  Typically, nutrition and exercise are always included in our "inner self" conversation.   However, I am going to limit myself to only one at a time and encourage you to do the same.  I suggest you may want to start with the word "BAD" when discussing food choices and behavior.  Yes, I am a Registered Dietitian, but NO, neither myself or my family eat perfectly all the time.  I believe all foods are not created equal, but they can and should all be enjoyed!  Moderation has been talked to death when discussing food choices and it is still the conversation we should be having, but another word I always hear at work, in the malls, or in the supermarket is "BAD".  For instance, "I ate bad yesterday!", "That food is bad for you!", "I don't let my kids eat bad food".  The word BAD implies only negative thoughts.  How can something so yummy be BAD?  No food is bad if you only eat it "sometimes" once a week or maybe on the weekend.  I believe all foods can be eaten in moderation if you are also consuming foods of high nutritional value and are also incorporating some type of exercise in your life.  For our children, we need to teach them not to stay away from "bad" foods, but rather how to view them as treats, teach them how to portion size, and how they can still fit them into a healthy lifestyle.  We all deserve a piece of cake, a cookie or two, and a bowl of ice cream without calling ourselves BAD!!!!!! 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Gals and guys, before you get in your car to head to the market, the first and best nutritional choices start at home on a full stomach!  IT ALL STARTS WITH THE LIST!!!   I am pleased and excited to announce that I will be part of the Gals Shopper team and will help you better navigate the sea of shopping aisles more efficiently, prepared, and nutritionally charged.  Let’s face it….we all need to food shop and the Gals Shopper is going to make it easier, more organized, and nutrition savvy.  With every purchase of the Gals Shopper, I am going to send you your own personalized shopping list based on information you provide me with.  I also welcome all of you to follow my Gals Shopper nutrition blog to have “real” discussions about food, exercise, feeding our children, and making it all work!!  I look so forward to hearing from all of you and Happy 2015!!