Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Would You Like A Straw With Your Cup Of Sugar??

When was the last time you poured sugar in a glass, put a straw in it, and served it to your kids?? Probably never right???  But in actuality, that is what many of us do!!!  Who out there packs your kids lunch boxes with sugar laden drinks in the name of hydration??  I know you're out there!!!  Let's take this back to school time as an opportunity to make changes in our kids nutritional intake together!!
Look....we have all heard in some form or another that we are giving our children way too much added sugar in their diets in the form of drinks. But guess what? of the easiest ways to limit their intake of "added sugar" is to cut down their intake of sugary drinks.  Yes.....we do need sugar in our diets because it is an important energy source......but I am talking about "naturally occurring sugar."  What is this??? This is sugar that is found naturally in milk, fruits, grains, and vegetables.  "Added Sugar" is sugar that is added during the processing of food such as corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, dextrose, sucrose, and crystalline fructose.   "Added Sugar" can be found in the very fruit drinks, soda, and sport drinks we send our kids to school with!!!.  Research has found that excessive sugar intake in our kids can lead to increased risk of Heart Disease, Diabetes, Stroke, and Obesity.   Also, consuming sugary drinks can trigger even more sweet cravings and then our kids want even more sugar in some form or another!!!  It's a vicious cycle!!
Here's a little guide to help you make better choices.... 1 teaspoon of sugar = 4 grams.  The following are recommendations or guidelines from The American Heart Association for the amount of "added sugar" our children should have on a daily basis:   
                      Preschoolers - about 4 teaspoons added sugar per day (=16 grams)
                      4-8 yrs. - about 3 teaspoons added sugar per day (=12 grams)
                      Pre-teen to Teen yrs. - about 5-8 teaspoons sugar per day (=20-32 grams)
The following are some beverages we typically give to our children with their sugar content:
     Soda (12oz) = 41 grams sugar                  Iced Tea (12oz) = 24 grams sugar
     Orange Juice (12oz) = 31 grams sugar     Apple Juice (12oz) = 41 grams sugar
     Typical Sports Drink (12oz) = 21 grams sugar
If you look at the above numbers, you can see how the sugar adds up easily if they are consuming these beverages as their primary hydration source!!!  Here's the good news...studies have shown that changing just 1 sugary drink per day can cut your kids risk of developing Heart Disease, Diabetes, Stroke, and Obesity by as much as 25%!!!!!!       
Here are some great tips to get you and your family started.....just remember, small changes to start will give you better long term results!!   Start giving your kids water in place of a sugary beverage at dinner.  Let the whole family drink water at dinner....our kids learn from us!!  Second, try buying a Fruit Infuser...they are great!!!! You can put whatever fruit or even cucumbers in the pitcher and the water takes on the flavor of it!!  You can find these great Fruit Infusers at many home and department stores.....they are usually about 15-20 dollars.  Also, have your kids cut the fruit and put it in the pitcher with you....they love to participate.  The more they participate, the more they will be more apt to drink it!!  Another great idea.....make fruit ice cubes.  Chop up fruit, put them in ice cube trays, add water, freeze and you have instant fruity tasting water!! are now armed with the knowledge to make better get started providing your children with a healthier future!!!

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