Monday, May 11, 2015

Eat Clean or Diet???
Skinny or Healthy??
What Are You and What Are You Doing??

I was recently at a party and overheard a conversation amongst some ladies discussing the many "diets" they have attempted to master and the current diet they were attempting to conquer.  It was then that one woman turned in my direction (without knowing I was a Registered Dietitian) and stated, "you're skinny, what diet are you on?"  In less than two seconds she realized "skinny" is no longer a compliment, rather it implies that you are unhealthy!!!  She apologized immediately and I found it so refreshing that people are finally starting to recognize the difference between being skinny and being healthy.  This then opened the door to a great conversation....I explained to her that I do not diet, rather I eat clean.  She asked, "Whats That?"  That's a great question!!
What is "Eating Clean"?  I guess the response would depend on who you're taking to.  Is it eating only organic foods?  Is it eating only Non-GMO foods?  Is it eating only low fat foods?  For me, eating clean is not a diet at is a way of life, a lifestyle.   For myself and many of you out there, Eating Clean is eating foods that have not been overly processed or engineered.  It is eating foods that do not contain trans fat or dyes.  It is consuming proper portion sizes and drinking two to three liters of water every day.  It is eating a complex carbohydrate and a lean protein at each meal.  It is eating a food that you can actually read the ingredient list in less than five minutes and without a translator! Eating Clean is so many things, but one thing is for is not a is a lifestyle!!
Do you guys remember the saying in the 80's and 90's, "NO PAIN, NO GAIN!"  Wow!, how things have changed.  We know now that causing your body pain is not going to make your body gain anything but injury.  It is my hope that one day, "What diet are you on?" will also become a saying of the past!
How do you eat clean??? Tell me and the GalsShoppers community "How you do what you do!!"
Also, I am happy to announce that you can get your own GalsShopper now to help you shop smarter and shop more organized.  Go to and see what all the buzz is about!  Be one of the first to have a revolutionary GalsShopper!





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