Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Just because it is the season of eating out, you don't have to blow all of your hard work from throughout the year in one month!!!  No you don't have to break out the jeans that are usually one size bigger than you usually wear.....No you don't have to buy a new pair of "black stretchies" and a big "maternity looking" shirt......just keep these easy tips in your back pocket and enjoy!!! 
Tip #1) Just because the waiter brings you a plate the size of a turkey platter, you don't have to finish it.  Simply bring half of it home to enjoy the next day!!!! Saves your body and your wallet.  Also, I have noticed that some restaurants now offer half and full size portions.....and even if they don't, it never hurts to ask.......restaurants can be very accommodating...especially if you're nice about it!!
Tip #2) Skip the bread basket!!!!  I promise, you will live through it!!!  The more you do it, the better you will feel.  However, if they are offering whole grain breads.....feel free to partake and dip them in yummy olive oil (not butter).
Tip #3)  Start your meal with a small side salad, minus the creamy, cheesy dressings though.  I always order a balsamic based dressing on the side.  Not only is eating a salad good for you, it also provides you with a feeling of being full and satisfied (we call it satiety in the nutrition world) before your main meal reaches the table.  Eat till you are full, not till you are exploding and need to unbutton your pants!!
Tip #4) Chew, chew, chew!!!!  Take the time to actually chew your food......enjoy the flavors.  Pretend you are a food critic and you really need to be aware of the flavors in your mouth.  The more time you take to chew your food, the more time your are allowing your body and mind to realize that you are actually full!!
Tip #5) Something I always do and highly recommend to all of my clients is have a "Pre-Restaurant" snack and a big glass of water.....you don't have to be starving when you go to a restaurant!!!! How many times have you walked into a restaurant because you are starving and you have actually thought about eating the tables next to you food.  Well salivate no more!!.....simply eat a healthy snack and drink some water before you leave your home. 
I hope you all find these tips helpful!!!   They will work......just give them a try.  I promise, you will get used to it and in the end you will need only one size set of clothing and no elastic waste bands!!.
Good luck and may the "Clean Eating Force Be With You"!!!

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