Monday, July 27, 2015


I know many of us have been cruising the supermarket aisles and noticing packages boasting that they are Non-GMO foods....Great....but do you know what it means??????  If you are like so many of us...let me provide you some brief facts so you can get it on the conversation.
GMO stands for "Genetically Modified Organisms".  They are basically any living organism whose genetic material has been artificially changed in a lab somewhere by a "white lab coat" wearing person by means of genetic engineering.  Sounds yummy doesn't it!!!!  What this process does is it creates unstable combinations of animal, plant, bacterial and viral genes (not the blue ones we love!!) that do not naturally exist in nature. Why do they do this you may be asking??  Well, they do this so that the product can withstand direct application of herbicide and or to produce an insecticide. They claim that a GMO food may offer increased yield, help promote drought tolerance, and get this....enhanced nutrition (What???).  How do we know if a food we purchase contains a GMO you ask??  The answer....we have no mandatory labeling policy in place!!  That's why we are seeing more food items in the supermarket with lovely labels bragging that it is  "NON GMO Project Verified".  If you can believe this......80% of conventional processed food in our very own stores contain GMO's!!!
So now you have the basic skinny on it....I wanted to keep it light, but we will talk more about GMO's for sure!!!!

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