Thursday, July 16, 2015

It's very interesting... we all constantly speak about feeding our bodies with the best nutrition possible on a daily basis, but how many of us feel it is just as important....if not even more important at times than to feed our souls??  I'm sure we all have a very different answer as to how we go about doing could be a walk, it could be just reading a good book, it could be watching a baby in a store, or it could be watching our children smile.  There are a million answers to this question and they would all be correct because it is a very personal answer for us all. 
I just returned from a beautiful vacation with my family.....
But guess what....I didn't have to go on an airplane to find peace and you don't have to either!! As a dietitian, I always discuss healthier eating habits.......but it's not always all about what is going into your body, but rather....what is going on in your mind.  Find some peace within yourself every day!!!!  Go outside and listen to nature, watch a sunset, listen to the ocean and the laughter of children.....just find what brings you peace and BREATHE!!!
No food talk today folks...............just please don't forget to feed your soul and you'll be amazed at how it might change you!!!

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