Saturday, June 27, 2015

How About A Mandarin???

 I don't know about you, but as both a Registered Dietitian and a Mom, I can talk and preach till I am blue in the face, but there is only so much I can say to get my kids to try new fruits!!!!  Forget my background, forget the fact that I try to set a good example by eating fruits took a company with marketing genius to get my kids to actually ASK...yes I said ASK me to buy Mandarin's....AKA Halo's!!!!!!  For once, the power of marketing to my kids and many kids out there is totally positive and dare I say GENIUS!!!!   The commercials were hysterical not only to my kids, but to me and my husband!!   I knew they hit their target market when I brought my girls to the market and they said, "I want Halo's!"  For once, I was more than pleased to oblige was almost as if I was actually getting what I want with absolutely no effort on my part.  Think about all the advertisements our kids get bombarded with on a daily basis and now think about how many of them are actually beneficial and positive.  I can't think of many positive!!! 
Now lets talk about what a Mandarin is a small citrus fruit with a loose skin.  The three requirements to be a Halo is it has to be easy to peel, seedless, and sweet.  The benefits of consuming these sweet little beauties are that they are naturally fat and cholesterol free, they come with their own neat packaging (thanks to Mother Nature!!!), they are rich in Vitamins A, B6, Thiamine, Niacin, Folate, Antioxidants, and Vitamin C.   In a nut shell, consuming these can decrease your risk of developing Diabetes, Stroke, Cardiovascular Disease, Obesity, and Hypertension.  If this is not enough to get you excited, how about the fact that they are rich in Soluble Fiber and Minerals including Potassium, Copper, Iron, Calcium, Phosphorus, and Magnesium.   These help with Red Blood Cell Synthesis and bone support, as well as support immune system health. And last but certainly not least, how easy it is to put these in our kids lunch snack or sandwich bag needed!!!
So, for once I will say, "Thank you for marketing to my kids in a positive way!!!!"  I love it!...the more help to get our children to eat healthier foods the better.  To use the power of marketing for something positive is awesome!!!!  Let's hope this starts a trend!!!!

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