Sunday, December 31, 2017

Many people are consuming green tea with the hopes of losing weight, but does it last?  Let's face it, you hear chatter about green tea everywhere now ........ it's used as a drink, you can find it in iced tea,  it comes in capsule form, even ice cream.....but is it doing what you think it's doing??   In a 12 week study using 60 adult women and men published in The Journal of Nutrition, it showed that green tea had no effect on fat absorption, resting energy expenditure (how many calories are burned at rest or REE), and body composition.  In addition, other studies have shown that drinking green tea only suppresses your appetite for a short time period.....but guess what.....water can have the same effect and it's free!!! 
Listen,  I'm not saying to stop enjoying your green tea, but what I am saying is drink it for the right reasons and not because you think it is going to help you lose weight.  After all, green tea is rich in antioxidants, which helps protect your body against the damage of free radicals, which is a good thing!!  I just don't want you to spend your hard earned cash on something that you think is going to help you lose weight fast!!!  Drink your tea simply because you enjoy the taste and because it relaxes you!!!

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

I don't know about all of you, but I am so sick and tired of hearing and reading about nutrition tips for watching your waste at Thanksgiving time.   Really?????  Do we really need to be calorie, carbohydrate, and fat counting at our Thanksgiving meal?????   Speaking as a Registered Dietitian....I say heck no!!!!  I don't like the word diet as it is......but to suggest that we need to "diet and watch" on one of the best eating days of the year is just soooooooooooooo wrong!!!  I beg of all of you to enjoy your Thanksgiving meal.....guilt free!!!!  After all, one meal is not going to undo all of your healthy eating and great effort you put forth the majority of the year.....and even if you haven't...Thanksgiving is not the day to start changing your eating lifestyle people!! 
So when you sit down with your family and loved ones with your loosest fitting pants I counting calories, fat grams, carbohydrate grams, Gluten what? or anything.....please simply say....I have a right to enjoy this meal, dessert, etc.......tomorrow is a day away!!!
Happy Thanksgiving to all of our GalsShopper community!  

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Can you hear the ooowy, goowy, yummy treats calling your name?? Yes, that's right, they don't just call the kids.....they call us adults too!!!!!  As a matter of fact, I'll bet you any amount of money that most of the Halloween candy is consumed by we sugar craving grown ups......after all, now we have the money to buy it on our own!!  How many of you choose the Halloween candy based on your likes rather than your kids?? I admit it.........I do it every year!!!
Well, just to give you a little help, I'm going to give you a list of candy that provides less than 100 calories, 10 grams of sugar, and 6 grams of fat per serving (snack size) to help make you feel better about indulging, but please if your favorite is not on my list......please by all means continue to enjoy it.  After all, Halloween only comes once a year and we all have the right to let go, have fun, and enjoy life!!!!  Happy Halloween!!!!
1.) Twizzlers (two mini)
2.) Peanut M&Ms (one mini pack)
3.) Hershey's Special Dark (two)
4.) Tootsie Rolls (three)
5.) Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Miniatures (two)
6.) 3 Mustketeers (two)
7.) Tootsie Pop (one)
8.) Mounds (one)
9.) Almond Joy (one)
10.) Raisinets (one snack size bag)
11.) Kit Kat (one two piece bar)
12.) Nestle Crunch (one)
13.) Air Head (one)
14.) Heath Bar (one)
15.) Sweet Tarts or Smarties

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Did you know that your body burns calories even when you are at rest?? And did you know that you burn even more calories (energy) when your food is being digested during a process called thermogenesis???  Well, what if I told you that certain foods require more energy to burn than others, which equates to more calories burned!!! Wouldn't you want to eat more of these foods!! Burn baby burn!!!
Foods with a Low-Glycemic Index, such as lean proteins and fiber rich carbohydrates are at the top of my must have foods to help "feed the fire" because they force our bodies to use more fat for fuel.  Although most of us believe that only exercise alone can burn fat, the good news is that we can help this process also by putting the right foods in our bodies! Also, as simple as this sounds and as easy as it may be, drinking water can also help the cause.  Studies have shown that by simply drinking 2 cups of water (480cc), it can increase your energy expenditure by as much as 24% for 1 hour after drinking it! So ditch the juice, soda or whatever else you are drinking if you really want to "feed the fire"!!
The following is a list of my recommended "must eats" to help your inner body furnace burn best!! Make sure to put them on your list and place it in your GalsShopper!!!
  • Salmon, lean beef, egg whites, turkey breast, chicken, and pork
  • broccoli, apples, kale, salad greens, spinach, tomatoes, kiwi, berries (all of them!!), asparagus, peaches, peppers
  • chili pepper, black pepper, green tea
  • avacados, walnuts, peanuts, almonds, flax seeds
  • low fat yogurt, low fat cheese

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Happy Summer everyone!!!  I wanted to share one of my favorite refreshing and healthy summer drink recipes of all time with all of you!!  Not only is it delicious, it is actually so good for your body!! For all of you out there who are trying to build will definitely think this recipe rocks and for those who are simply looking to enjoy a healthier version of a pina colada (NO ALCOHOL) will love it too!!!!  Try having it pre or post workout or as a healthy snack!!
Here's what you'll need to make approximately 2 servings: 1 cup crushed pineapple or 1 cup pineapple juice if you prefer, 1 frozen small banana, 1/2 cup skim milk, 1 cup low-fat cottage cheese (that's correct, trust me!!), 1/2 scoop vanilla whey protein powder, 1 tablespoon of shredded coconut, and about 1 cup of ice cubes.  Of course you can play with the measurements to your liking......there is always room for improvements!!  Now, place all of these delicious ingredients in a blender and blend till it reaches a smooth consistency.  Next, ENJOY!! 
This recipe will provide approximately 200 calories, 3 grams of fat, and a whopping 22 grams of muscle loving protein.  Try it.......I promise you that both you and your body will love it!!!  

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Who Says You Can't Eat Pasta??
Anyone who knows me, knows never would I ever give up my pasta!!!! And guess what??? YOU DON'T HAVE TO EITHER!!!   All you have to remember is "white is not right!!" 
Why not white? Well "white" or regular pasta is what we call "refined" and refined pasta will give you an energy boost for sure at a meal, but you will "crash" just as fast.  Rather, by choosing a whole wheat pasta, you are giving your body a slower more steady energy release thanks to the higher protein and fiber content it contains.  It also helps prevent your blood sugar from rising too fast (that's the boost) because insulin is being released at a much slower pace thanks to its extra protein and fiber content.  The best part of won't turn into a hungry beast as fast because you feel fuller already!!!
Now let's talk sauce!!  Don't you go ruining the nutritional value of your whole wheat pasta by topping it with a fatty sauce......stick to olive oil or tomato based sauces to keep with your "clean eating" plan.  Next, add a delicious lean protein like turkey or chicken sausage and a colorful array of vegetables and you are set!!!  
So please, don't deny yourself a yummy plate of pasta, just make it whole grain!!! There are many brands available at the market and I think I have tried them all, but my favorite is Barilla.  If you try one particular brand and you don't care for it (some have a more grainy mouth feel than others), just keep trying a different brand until you find one you like because one size definitely does not fit all in the pasta world! 

Sunday, April 30, 2017


Let's turn up our internal heat with the colorful capsicum family!!  With their wonderful health benefits and their ability to turn up our bodies furnace'll want to get to know this family well!!!  Whether red, green. or yellow...the pepper should become our new bestie!!!!  Let's talk about just a few benefits that these colorful new best friends will provide: 

Weight Loss: If you're looking to turn up your metabolic rate (the rate at which you burn fat), then look no further.  Studies have shown that ingesting a mere 5 grams (equates to only 1/4 teaspoon) of chili pepper increased a women's metabolic rate by 20% within just a few minutes!  This is a great way to increase your fat loss!!  

Immune System:  Peppers are rich in Vitamin C and we know that Vitamin C strengthens our immune system and also helps to prevent cell damage.  

Clear Skin: The capsicum  in peppers help to increase collagen production in our bodies.  Collagen is what helps keep our skin firm and looking marvelous!! 

Iron Absorption: If you want better iron absorption....Vitamin C should be in attendance! The Vitamin C in capsicum helps our bodies better absorb iron, thus helping to prevent anemia.

Hair Growth: Who doesn't want healthier, longer locks!!  Well look no further.....consuming capsicum encourages hair growth by regulating the blood flow to your scalp.  So if you had a bad hair cut like many of your peppers to have better hair days! 

Well, I have presented my case.  The question now should be...why shouldn't I eat more peppers??  With only 30-40 calories packed into one bell pepper....chop it up, put in a baggy and make it your new fat loss, hair growing, great skin buddy!!!   Enjoy!!!

Monday, March 27, 2017


If you're like many people out there, you are most likely eating the proper foods, but still not seeing the results that you want or at least not as fast as you want them.  You are probably saying, "But I am eating the right foods and nothing is happening!"  In my twenty years of practice, I think I've heard this very statement at least a thousand times.........and once we start talking about portion sizes, the mystery is over!!!!

I think we can all use a "brush up" or it may even be the first time your hearing it......but here is a quick and easy guide to help kick start your  "clean eating" lifestyle and get you the results you want faster!!!  

Your hands are now going to be your best friend......forget the food scale or measuring spoons (too much work!!) your hands will be your guide:

When you're talking protein foods (fish, chicken, beef, etc...), a proper portion size should be able to fit into the palm of your hand.  Not both palms put together.......just one!!!!

Next, let's talk about complex carbohydrates from yummy fruits and vegetables! This time you can put both of your hands together and whatever fits in the center of this is the proper portion size.  

Now let's look at the starchy carbohydrates, such as brown rice, beans, sweet potatoes, and carrots.  Here we will use one cupped hand as our guide to a proper portion size.  

Healthy fats can include nuts, seeds, and avocado.  Here, you should only use a handful. 

Well, I hope this will be a helpful guide to get your Spring eating started on the right track!!
Good luck!!!

Saturday, February 4, 2017


We all have our favorite winter "make me feel cozy foods."  Some may say a nice beef stew, some may say a big cheesy plate of lasagna, some may say a big pot of chilli........but for me...nothing says a Sunday winter cozy meal like a big pot of lentils!!!  I'm fortunate in that I can follow any recipe and it will come out pretty good, but I also have some great friends who are wicked good cooks and love to share their recipes with me!!  So guess what??  Now I am going to share it with you...but first let's talk about why this little bean is so good for our bodies.

Lentil beans are a member of the legume family, which means that they are rich in fiber and are also considered a lean protein source.  Just one cup of cooked lentils contains up to 16 grams of fiber, which equates to about 64% of your needed daily value!!!!  Just to give you a quick guide, woman should be consuming 25 grams of fiber daily and men should be consuming 38 grams of fiber daily.  You may be asking, "what's so great about fiber?".  Well, for starts it makes you feel "full" after eating it, it helps lower your cholesterol, it helps promote regular bowel elimination, and it can also help balance your blood sugar (especially important if you're diabetic).  Let's not forget about lentils protein content......just 1 cup can provide 40g of protein!!!   Lentils are also a great source of iron which helps pump up your immune health!  Iron supports the growth of white blood cells, which we know are our "inner fighting cells" that protect us from illness.  Just 1 cup of cooked lentils can provide 6.6 milligrams of iron, which provides 37% of your daily value. 

Now that you know a little something about this precious little bean, I will share my BFF's (sorry couldn't help myself!!) recipe with all of you:

Ingredients Needed: 1 medium sized pot, 1 bag lentils (1 pound), 1 1/2  Vidalia Onions (diced), 5-6 Carrots (diced), 5-6 stalks of Celery (diced), 2-3 plum or vine Tomatoes (diced), 3 Garlic Cloves (minced), 3 cups of Water, 3 cups Chicken Broth, Bay Leaf (3), Extra Virgin Olive Oil (enough just to sauté your all of your goodies).

Method: Heat olive oil and sauté your onion, garlic, carrots, and celery for about 15 minutes.  Next, throw in tomato and toss with all the rest of your ingredients in pot and continue to sauté for a few more minutes.  Then, place your lentils in the same pot and add your water, chicken broth, and bay leaf.  Now let them cook for awhile to your desired tenderness.  When done, salt and pepper to taste!!! That's it!!!!   I like to serve my lentils over whole wheat or gluten free elbow macaroni.......sprinkle with parmesan cheese and dig in to a healthy, hearty meal!!!!   I hope you and your family enjoy this recipe as much as we do!!!