Monday, March 27, 2017


If you're like many people out there, you are most likely eating the proper foods, but still not seeing the results that you want or at least not as fast as you want them.  You are probably saying, "But I am eating the right foods and nothing is happening!"  In my twenty years of practice, I think I've heard this very statement at least a thousand times.........and once we start talking about portion sizes, the mystery is over!!!!

I think we can all use a "brush up" or it may even be the first time your hearing it......but here is a quick and easy guide to help kick start your  "clean eating" lifestyle and get you the results you want faster!!!  

Your hands are now going to be your best friend......forget the food scale or measuring spoons (too much work!!) your hands will be your guide:

When you're talking protein foods (fish, chicken, beef, etc...), a proper portion size should be able to fit into the palm of your hand.  Not both palms put together.......just one!!!!

Next, let's talk about complex carbohydrates from yummy fruits and vegetables! This time you can put both of your hands together and whatever fits in the center of this is the proper portion size.  

Now let's look at the starchy carbohydrates, such as brown rice, beans, sweet potatoes, and carrots.  Here we will use one cupped hand as our guide to a proper portion size.  

Healthy fats can include nuts, seeds, and avocado.  Here, you should only use a handful. 

Well, I hope this will be a helpful guide to get your Spring eating started on the right track!!
Good luck!!!

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