Sunday, April 30, 2017


Let's turn up our internal heat with the colorful capsicum family!!  With their wonderful health benefits and their ability to turn up our bodies furnace'll want to get to know this family well!!!  Whether red, green. or yellow...the pepper should become our new bestie!!!!  Let's talk about just a few benefits that these colorful new best friends will provide: 

Weight Loss: If you're looking to turn up your metabolic rate (the rate at which you burn fat), then look no further.  Studies have shown that ingesting a mere 5 grams (equates to only 1/4 teaspoon) of chili pepper increased a women's metabolic rate by 20% within just a few minutes!  This is a great way to increase your fat loss!!  

Immune System:  Peppers are rich in Vitamin C and we know that Vitamin C strengthens our immune system and also helps to prevent cell damage.  

Clear Skin: The capsicum  in peppers help to increase collagen production in our bodies.  Collagen is what helps keep our skin firm and looking marvelous!! 

Iron Absorption: If you want better iron absorption....Vitamin C should be in attendance! The Vitamin C in capsicum helps our bodies better absorb iron, thus helping to prevent anemia.

Hair Growth: Who doesn't want healthier, longer locks!!  Well look no further.....consuming capsicum encourages hair growth by regulating the blood flow to your scalp.  So if you had a bad hair cut like many of your peppers to have better hair days! 

Well, I have presented my case.  The question now should be...why shouldn't I eat more peppers??  With only 30-40 calories packed into one bell pepper....chop it up, put in a baggy and make it your new fat loss, hair growing, great skin buddy!!!   Enjoy!!!

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