Thursday, January 21, 2016


Let's face it, when we see something in writing, whether it be a review from our boss, a credit card statement, or a love note from our honey......when it's in writing, there is no running from the truth!! Well, the same can be said if we actually took the time to write down what we put in, or not put in our bodies on a daily basis.  I'm not saying get crazy and write down every gram of fat and calorie we consume.......that's not my style.  I'm saying to just simply write down what you eat, why you eat it, when you eat it, where you eat it, and who you were with!!   The 5 W's of truth......what, why, when, where, who with!!! Now say that 10 times in a row as fast as you can : )
In my experience, if you simply answer these five questions you will learn so much about yourself and your eating lifestyle.  You don't have to buy a fancy book at the health food store or book store.  Simply buy one of those "marble notebooks" we used to use in grade school or any note book will do and make your own diary!!  By keeping a food diary, you will learn so much about your eating style, what makes you "tick",  and will also make you be will make you think about your own behaviors and emotions.  
The 5 W's: 
What? - O.K...this one is simple, just write down exactly what you ate and the approximate amount.
Why? - This is where I need to you to dig deep and be honest....did I eat because I was hungry, bored, angry, sad, happy, and don't be afraid to list more than one reason if you have one.
When? - What time of day or night was it???
Where? - What was your location??  Car, couch, kitchen table, bed, work, store, outside?
Who? - Who were you with??? Yourself, coworkers, friends, family, husband, wife???  Sometimes you will notice a pattern with your food intake and who you are hanging out with.
The bottom line, you can't learn a "new" behavior or lifestyle as I like to call it, unless you understand your existing behaviors.  Look, I know we all want the very best for ourselves, including what we put in our bodies, and I would like to think that most of have a good idea as to what it's just that we need to take the time to become better acquainted with ourselves.....we need to know US!!!
Please take the time to better get to know yourself and what shapes your eating habits and success will follow.  After you have done this for a will be amazed as to why you make the food choices you make and how you can make positive changes in your life!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Mirror, Mirror
On The Wall

Mirror, mirror on the you think you are the fairest of them all???  How many of you out there look in the mirror and subconsciously state only all of the negatives things that you think you see?  You know who you are!  Well, I am asking you to try something new for 2016 and hopefully forever!!!  Instead of motivating yourself to eat clean and exercise based on self loathing thoughts or negative thoughts, do something good for yourself because you love yourself!!!  Yes, you heard me...change your lifestyle because you think you deserve the very best for yourself forever!! 
So many of us will only make changes in our lifestyle or commit to eating clean and exercise only when we think we have to because our jeans don't fit as well, or when we go to the doctor and they tell us our BMI (body mass index) is too high and we are overweight.  So we are only starting something based on a negative idea....what a way to start something!!!   Well, let's change this pattern and make changes in our lifestyles based on a positive thought......WE LOVE OURSELVES AND WE DESERVE THE VERY BEST OF EVERYTHING!!!
How many of you out there go and get your nails done every week because it makes you feel good and you deserve it??  And how many of  you go to the hairdresser like clock work because getting your hair done makes you feel good??  Nothing wrong with that..right?? YOU DESERVE IT!!!  Well, let's put wonderful nutritious foods into our bodies and exercise because we deserve it and it will give us the same euphoric effect!  I believe that if you start a lifestyle change based on a positive note....... like loving yourself and what you see in the mirror...what will now motivate you is "self love" !!   Nothing stronger than that!!!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

The Fabulous
Are you trying to increase fiber in your diet or perhaps just keep the "waste product" highway moving smoothly and efficiently???  Well I have a great solution......FLAXSEED!!! Not only is it loaded with both soluble and insoluble fiber, it's very affordable, which leaves more money for a cute dress!!   If you have a "slacker bowel" like many of us do......consuming just 2 tablespoons per day of this magic seed will turn your "slacker bowel" into SUPER BOWEL!!!  Let's face it, constipation is no comes with many hazardous pitfalls for your health.  The longer our waste products remain in our colon, the harder and more toxic it becomes for our body, so we want it out of us....on schedule!!!  It's a terrible cycle, the longer it remains, the harder it is to squeeze it out because all of the water is being absorbed, which can then lead to complications such as Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis.  Picture this if you dare....think of one of those long balloons clowns use to make animals out of (scary for some us!!)   Ok...stay with pretend you are holding one of them in your hands and you are squeezing it and a big "bubble" pops out, this is what Diverticulosis looks like....small pockets that form in your colon when you "strain" to eliminate that can cause all kinds of good things to get stuck in and lead to infection or even worse....PERFORATION!!!.   I don't know about you, but I would rather consume more fiber to prevent this and your solution could be Flaxseed.  Although you can buy Flaxseed already ground, you can also buy it whole in the market and you could just grind them yourself at home in a coffee grinder, which is what I like to do at times.  I love to add my Flaxseed to yogurt, oatmeal, or even sprinkle some on ice cream.   All you need is just 2 tablespoons of Flaxseed per day to enjoy the benefits of good health and a super efficient bowel highway!!!   Lets not also forget the added benefit of saying goodbye to our "waste products" in an efficient manner.......A FLAT TUMMY!!!!!!!  I am sure we can all appreciate this!!!!  So lets see.....flat tummy, smooth colon with no bubbles or pockets, inexpensive, feeling of being full......I'm in!!!  So the next time you head to the market with your GalsShopper....don't forget to put Flaxseed on the list!!!