Thursday, May 28, 2015

How To Be a Smart Shopper
How many times have you entered the supermarket and just wandered around thinking, "What am I making for dinner this week?" You then travel from aisle to aisle just waiting for your salivary glands to kick in or for a colorful item to simply catch your eye.  You then realize that you have to continue to travel back and forth between the aisles again just to complete the culinary masterpiece you just thought of!!!  I have just one question.....Who has the time to do this?????   In order to stop the supermarket mambo you need to have a well thought out descriptive shopping list.  Yes, I know this sounds so boring and Stepford Wives like, but this is the key to good nutrition and completing your shopping in record time.
When I say a list....I don't mean the little post-it note you jot down on your way out of the house or office....I mean a list that groups your foods by their assigned food group/ fruits, vegetables, grains/cereals, dairy, meats, deli etc..... As a Registered Dietitian, I can tell you that when you plan your meals in advance, in a good state of mind, and not will make the best nutritional choices.   First, ask yourself, "How much time do I have this week for meal preparation?"......Do I have to run to games, practices, work functions, or parties?  Second, ask yourself, "What's my food budget like this week?".....Do I have extra money to buy scallops?  Once you have answered these questions, you can start making your list.
Now that you know what you're going to eat, there is no guess work when you get into the market.  No longer will you need to make the 5th stop at the market for the week to get missing ingredients!!! One trip only is all you will need....One Stop Shopping!!!  Oh yeah, another also won't be tempted to "impulse buy" because you're just there to pick up a few things. 
Also, I highly recommend going to your local craft stores and picking up those magnetic fridge pads they sell in the "Dollar" bins.  I always have one on my fridge and every time you run out of an item...write it on the pad immediately so you definitely won't forget to pick it up. Your days of running out toothpaste over!!
Last, but certainly not least....don't forget to bring your GalsShopper with you to the market so that you too can enjoy a new efficient way of shopping.....hands free, organized, and looking up!  Now you are a Smart Shopper!

Thursday, May 21, 2015


As a mother of two young children, I understand how busy your schedule can be.  Most days it may feel like you've done everything for everyone else and nothing for you!!   As a person who has always been physically active, having children really put my "Me Time" on the back burner.  I was now trying to juggle my work life, my exercise schedule, "mommy and me" classes, parks, birthday parties, play dates, homework, and just the usual  household stuff.  Way too much to juggle,!!  So like so many of us.....I always sacrificed myself first.  One day, feeling frazzled as ever, and wearing my favorite ponytail hairstyle and comfortable sweatpants (my uniform of choice at the time) , I realized that I wasn't doing anybody any good at all if I wasn't taking care of myself.  It is this day I said to myself, "I AM DONE!"  From that day forward, I made sure that I made time to take care of myself whether it meant doing my hair, makeup, or just taking time to exercise.  I won't lie, I felt guilty for a while because it meant not doing something else for someone else.....but to give yourself the gift of time, to nurture your body and soul, is the best gift you can give to your family.  When my children were old enough to understand and they were pretty young (children are capable of understanding more than you know!), I sat them down and explained to them that when I take uninterrupted time for myself, I am making me a better person and in turn a better mother.  What better gift than to teach your children that good health helps you live a longer, healthier, and happier life!!!  Don't get me wrong...they still interrupted me as all children do, but in time it became less and less.  Now, if I am exercising in my home, they either wait till I'm finished, come downstairs to exercise with me, or just hang out!!  What better example can you set!!!!   A good tip for all of you with toddlers is to set up some toys, coloring books, etc. in the area you are exercising or most gyms have babysitting services available.  In order for this to be successful, don't give up when they push consistent and above all "NO GUILT".  You were a spectacular person before children and you should feel spectacular now!!   In private practice, I encounter many women who say, "I have no time because I have to take them to their sports practice."  SOLUTION....if you are at a field....go for a walk around the field while they are playing or practicing.  Tell your kids, "I am here and can watch you while I exercise."  So I am here to tell you to give yourself the gift of health and do it guilt free!!!!! 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

What Can You Do With Fruit That Is Too
 Ripe For Your Families Liking??

If your kids are anything like mine, a banana with dark spots and a strawberry that has any soft spots whatsoever on it might as well be a piece of liver and sends them running for the hills!!  I found myself constantly throwing away perfectly good ripe fruit because myself or my husband couldn't eat it all ourselves.  Finally, one day, I took down the kids parlor style ice cream sundae glasses and colorful straws and put my blender to work!!  The outcome was awesome!   I created the prettiest, most appealing, nutritious, yummy smoothie for all of us and I didn't throw away my perfectly good fruit. It was definitely a proud Mom moment....I outsmarted them!!
When your fruit starts to get very ripe and is no longer acceptable for consumption by your kids (the biggest food critics in the world), place it in the freezer and make a delicious Frozen Fruit Smoothie.....perfect for those hot summer days!
RECIPE: (provides 2 servings)
1 Frozen Banana (peeled and cut into chunks before freezing)
1 Cup Frozen Strawberries
1 Cup Skim Milk
1/2 Cup Vanilla Fat Free Yogurt
1 Packet Truvia or 1T Honey    
Place all of the above ingredients in the blender and process until smooth.
Pour into a glass and serve...yum, yum!
If the fruit is not frozen, just add 2-3 ice cubes.     
* provides approximately 352 calories (with Honey), 14grams protein
* if you would like to add more protein, simply add 2T non-fat dry milk powder
   (=6grams protein, additional 60 calories).
* for a non-dairy smoothie, substitute 1 cup rice milk for the milk and yogurt.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Eat Clean or Diet???
Skinny or Healthy??
What Are You and What Are You Doing??

I was recently at a party and overheard a conversation amongst some ladies discussing the many "diets" they have attempted to master and the current diet they were attempting to conquer.  It was then that one woman turned in my direction (without knowing I was a Registered Dietitian) and stated, "you're skinny, what diet are you on?"  In less than two seconds she realized "skinny" is no longer a compliment, rather it implies that you are unhealthy!!!  She apologized immediately and I found it so refreshing that people are finally starting to recognize the difference between being skinny and being healthy.  This then opened the door to a great conversation....I explained to her that I do not diet, rather I eat clean.  She asked, "Whats That?"  That's a great question!!
What is "Eating Clean"?  I guess the response would depend on who you're taking to.  Is it eating only organic foods?  Is it eating only Non-GMO foods?  Is it eating only low fat foods?  For me, eating clean is not a diet at is a way of life, a lifestyle.   For myself and many of you out there, Eating Clean is eating foods that have not been overly processed or engineered.  It is eating foods that do not contain trans fat or dyes.  It is consuming proper portion sizes and drinking two to three liters of water every day.  It is eating a complex carbohydrate and a lean protein at each meal.  It is eating a food that you can actually read the ingredient list in less than five minutes and without a translator! Eating Clean is so many things, but one thing is for is not a is a lifestyle!!
Do you guys remember the saying in the 80's and 90's, "NO PAIN, NO GAIN!"  Wow!, how things have changed.  We know now that causing your body pain is not going to make your body gain anything but injury.  It is my hope that one day, "What diet are you on?" will also become a saying of the past!
How do you eat clean??? Tell me and the GalsShoppers community "How you do what you do!!"
Also, I am happy to announce that you can get your own GalsShopper now to help you shop smarter and shop more organized.  Go to and see what all the buzz is about!  Be one of the first to have a revolutionary GalsShopper!