Thursday, June 13, 2019

Nothing Says Happy Father's Day Like Grilling!!
What dad doesn't love a juicy grilled piece of meat on Father's Day??  A barbecue is definitely an awesome meal on Father's Day for an awesome guy!  But this doesn't mean we have to blow all caution to the wind.....we want to fill up dad with something yummy, but healthy too, but where do you start??  Well, I'm going to give you a little tutorial on the best cuts of meat to keep dad in tip top shape.......and the rest of the family while we're at it!!
Grilling on the barbecue can be one of the healthiest ways to cook if you know what to grill.  First, start with a clean grill everyone!  Just because it's outside, you still need to keep it as clean as your oven inside.  After all, who wants to cook on a science project in progress......gross!  Second, you need to know what are the healthiest cuts of meat to choose.  The following will give you a great guide you can use on Father's Day and for the rest of the summer to keep you a lean mean family machine:  Beef (Where's the beef??) : T-bone steak, porterhouse steak, flank steak, and sirloin steak are all great choices.  And if it's burgers he loves, choose 90% lean ground beef.  Next, we have Poultry: white meat turkey or chicken (no skin please).  Third, we have Pork: tenderloins and chops are great!! 
Also, when you are cruising the meat aisle, use your eyes because they can be your best guide.  Pick up the meat with least visible fat and it will always be the better choice. 
On behalf of the GalsShopper's team, we would like to wish all of you great dad's out there a very Happy Father's Day! Mom's out there, don't forget a GuysShopper would make a great Father's Day gift so that dad can be just as organized as you!!

Monday, April 8, 2019

 One of the most frequently asked questions I get from clients is, "Can protein really help me lose weight?"  My answer is always a resounding YES.....and the reason is that protein rich foods require your body to do more work to help break them down to be used as fuel.  What does that mean to you? It means your body will burn more calories to accomplish this task.  In addition, protein foods also help you to feel fuller longer so you won't be on the hunt for more snacks throughout the day.  In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the higher your protein intake, the more a hormone called leptin is released (the satiety hormone) and you don't feel hungry.   Great sources of protein include eggs, milk, meat, fish, poultry, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, quinoa, and beans. Aim for about 0.83 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, so for a 140 pound woman you would need about 53 grams of protein (divide weight by 2.2 to convert to 63.6 kilograms and then multiple by 0.83 = 52.7 grams of protein).  If your an athlete you would require between 1 and 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.
So make sure you include some form of protein on your shopping list and place it in your GalsShopper before heading to the supermarket!!!  Your body will thank you!!

Thursday, January 31, 2019


We all know that eating a well balanced diet, getting plenty of shut eye, and washing your hands regularly can help keep the winter cooties away, but did you ever think that by just consuming garlic that you may help prevent or even reduce the duration of a cold?  Well it can!!  Garlic contains a powerful compound called Allicin.  Allicin contains components that have antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. Research has shown that garlic can kick start your immune system and act as an anti-inflammatory.  So use plenty of garlic when your cooking, or if you prefer, you can take garlic in capsule form.  Don't worry about bad breath........the benefits far out weigh the negatives!!!