Sunday, November 18, 2018

Spice Up Your Life!!
Did you ever hear the saying that "Variety is the spice of Life"?  Well the same saying can apply to our health.  I'm here to tell you that adding different spices to our food cannot only make it taste better, but it can also improve our health!!!  That's right,  two benefits in one!!! Adding nutrient rich spices and herbs to our food is a great way to add flavor without adding excess salt and calories.  In fact, studies have shown that certain spices can help reduce inflammation which can cause various diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and certain heart let's talk about Tumeric.
Tumeric is  a bright yellow spice that gives curry its color and is packed full of curcumin, a substance that has been shown to help reduce the growth of cancer cells.  It has been used in India for thousands of years as a spice and as a medicinal herb.  It has also been proven to act like a strong anti-inflammatory much like ibuprofen and turmeric is also an anitoxidant.   Tumeric is mostly found in curry blends and goes very well in stew recipes and soups.   You can also use it to sauté vegetables such as spinach and kale.......just add 1tsp turmeric, garlic, tomatoes, and onion and it's delicious!!!  For extra flavor, you can also sprinkle some on top of roasted cauliflower, and fish.  If the taste of turmeric is not your thing, you can still obtain the health benefits from taking it in capsule form. 
So the next time you go to grocery store, make sure you add turmeric or some other spice that you have been itching to try to your list and put it in your GalsShopper so you won't forget!!!

Sunday, September 30, 2018

It's Apple Time!!
It's that time of year again......the leaves are starting to drop, the air is getting crisp, and there are many apples to pick!!!!  Apple picking season is always a great time to get your family and friends together and have some fun.  It's also a great time to bake some pies and crisps......but besides talking about all the fun we have during apple picking season, let's talk about the health benefits of eating apples too.  
Apples are high in fiber and rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients.  What does this mean to??  This means they can help reduce the risk of developing cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure (Hypertension). WOW!!!! Isn't this great!!  Apples are also so easy to bring to work, school, or just about anywhere......all you have to do is drop it in a bag!  You can't get much easier than that....and because apples are so rich in fiber, they also make you feel full fast.   With only about 95 calories in one medium apple, it can fit into any nutritional plan.    So whether you go to the orchard for some fun or simply buy a bag at the grocery store, know that you are making a great nutritional choice!!!  Happy Fall!!!

Friday, July 6, 2018


 Most of us have been convinced that a meal replacement shake is the way to go for weight loss, but is it the right way?  This is a frequently asked question, so what's the right answer? Honestly, I think it depends upon the person and I also think it depends upon the shake.  Here's why!!
I say it depends upon the person because if you are that type of person that just needs to chew in order to feel that you've eaten, a replacement meal shake will never work for you.  Take me for instance, I've tried to consume a high protein meal replacement shake to save time on more than one occasion, and consistently an hour and a half later I'm looking for regular solid food to eat because that is what I need to feel full and satisfied. That's me!!!  So if you're like me, if you stay honest and real with yourself.....a shake will never cut it and you will end up consuming more calories than you would have if you would have simply eaten solid food.
Now, if you are not the type of person that needs to chew to feel like you've eaten, a protein shake may be the way to go to replace a meal.  Just make sure though that sugar is not the first ingredient  listed!  Next, make sure it's calorie content does not exceed 400 calories, that it has at least anywhere from 20-25 grams of protein, and no more than 15 grams of fat.  Fiber is also a bonus!!  Shoot for at least 3-4 grams of helps with satiety (fullness)!!!!
Remember, giving your meals thought and planning in advance is the best way to go!!  Pack your lunch for work, make a shopping list before you go to the market to control impulse buying, and don't forget your GalsShopper!!!!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Nothing Says Summertime like
Picture it.......95 degrees, sweat dripping down your neck, you are craving something to quench your thirst and satisfy your sweet tooth.....just a suggestion, but say no to the ice cream this time and instead choose this beautiful, pink, all natural treat.......WATERMELON!!!!  Not only is it nutritious and naturally fat free, it will provide you with the water your body needs and craves during these hot summer days because 90% of a watermelon is made up of water.  One cup of watermelon provides you  with 43 calories, 0 grams of fat, 1 gram of fiber, and 21% of the needed Vitamin C.  This is sure to fit into any summer eating plan!  Also, many studies have suggested that increasing your consumption of plant foods like watermelon can decrease the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. 
If your like me, I stand in front of the tremendous watermelon box in the supermarket and think to myself....."which one do I choose?"  Here are a few tips to help you: choose a watermelon that is symmetrical, has no bruising or mushy spots, and is firm. 
Remember, watermelon is not just for eating in it's original gorgeous can also add it diced to salads and blend it with ice cubes for an awesome post workout drink loaded with electrolytes.  It's also a great snack for kids....just don't ask them what they want, simply slice it up and place it on a plate for them and they will gobble it right up!!  So the next time you head out to the supermarket with your GalsShopper, make sure that watermelon is on your list!!!

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Who Said Easter Eggs Are Just
Good For Coloring?

So by now the Easter egg coloring fun and chaos has already ended......but you are still probably  trying the scrub the dye off of your kids hands, your hands, the table too and thinking......"what am I going to do with all of these boiled eggs?" and the nutrition nerd part of you in your head is also saying, "is it actually good for us to eat all of these eggs?"  Let me help by giving you the green light to enjoy your Easter eggs and provide with you some great nutrition facts!!

For so many decades the poor little egg has received a bad rap from the powers that be....but eggs are no longer thought of as "THE CHOLESTEROL FOE"!!  Rather, just like everything else we enjoy, eggs do have a place on our menus!!  

Once upon a time, in the year 2000, the American Heart Association (AHA) gave their stamp of approval to again consume eggs without thinking we were consuming a giant ball of cholesterol!! The AHA actually stated that we can safely and without guilt consume one egg per day, but still try to maintain consuming no more than 300mg of cholesterol per day in order to prevent the risk of developing heart disease.  Other studies have shown that it is actually safe to consume two eggs per day without having a negative impact on a persons lipid (fat) profile.  Take it a step further and studies also state that it is saturated fat and not dietary cholesterol that have a much larger impact on blood cholesterol!!  So if you are trying to add high quality protein to your "clean" eating program.......EAT THOSE EGGS!!!  One egg contains about 6-7 grams of protein, about 75 calories, and approximately 1.6 grams of saturated fat.  I advise my clients who are trying to add high quality protein to their daily intake in order to build muscle,  to safely and without guilt add eggs back into their daily intake (especially the egg whites!).  But remember, your body is only capable of processing about 20 grams of protein at once....consider yourself warned!!!.....if you are a newbie to consuming egg whites........the after effects can be a little smelly if  you know what I mean!!!

So please.....don't just look at how pretty your colored Easter eggs them knowing you are doing something good for your body and pass it on!!!!!

Saturday, February 24, 2018


The days are getting longer.....the temperatures are getting warmer....the winter clothes are all on must be that time again!!!  Spring is almost here and like most of the population, we are all thinking of how we can look and feel our best for the upcoming season.   I would love to give you all a great tip.....ditch the High Fructose Corn Syrup to keep from overeating like you were at an "all you can eat" buffet!!!  

Studies have found that consuming sugar that is naturally found in fruit and other foods, rather than eating sugar found in processed foods, you won't overeat as if you are going into hibernation.  The key word to look for on the labels in "HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP".   Picture yourself as Super Woman or Super Man and high fructose corn syrup is your "kryptonite"!!!   Studies show that when participants consume foods containing high fructose corn syrup, there was more blood flow to the brain to keep signaling hunger!!!  However, when they consumed foods containing natural sugar, their brains knew to stop seeking that sweetness and thus not overeat.  

Choose to get your sugar from whole grain foods such as brown rice, quinoa, oats, barley, and vegetables.   Choose to get your sugar in the form of fructose from fresh fruit such as peaches, berries, grapes, apples, and plums.  If you want to sweeten your beverages, use agave, stevia, and honey.   To avoid High Fructose Corn not add candy, baked goods, sweetened cereals, soda/soft drinks, jams, and fruit juice from concentrate to your shopping list!!!  Keep your eyes on those labels!!!!