Many people are consuming green tea with the hopes of losing weight, but does it last? Let's face it, you hear chatter about green tea everywhere now ........ it's used as a drink, you can find it in iced tea, it comes in capsule form, even ice cream.....but is it doing what you think it's doing?? In a 12 week study using 60 adult women and men published in The Journal of Nutrition, it showed that green tea had no effect on fat absorption, resting energy expenditure (how many calories are burned at rest or REE), and body composition. In addition, other studies have shown that drinking green tea only suppresses your appetite for a short time period.....but guess what.....water can have the same effect and it's free!!!
Listen, I'm not saying to stop enjoying your green tea, but what I am saying is drink it for the right reasons and not because you think it is going to help you lose weight. After all, green tea is rich in antioxidants, which helps protect your body against the damage of free radicals, which is a good thing!! I just don't want you to spend your hard earned cash on something that you think is going to help you lose weight fast!!! Drink your tea simply because you enjoy the taste and because it relaxes you!!!