Thursday, April 16, 2020

Quick Tips For Staying Healthy At The Grocery Store And For Staying On The Right Track
During The Coronavirus Pandemic

Let's think about this.....we are a society that has been raised to be social beings.  We learn in social settings, we find comfort and entertainment in social settings, we change our environment to lift our spirits, our children learn from their social relationships, and we are a society used to getting instant gratification whether it be in a store, restaurant, and yes, even in a supermarket.   Fast forward to today and we face a new distancing, staying home, face masks, gloves, food and paper good shortages, and the intensity to get in and out of the supermarket or big box stores like Flash Gordon.  

If your like me, your spending an extended amount of time thinking about what you and your family can do to live your healthiest lifestyle possible given the social parameters we are following to prevent the spread of COVID-19. 

Lets start with food. First, make a detailed list of what you will need from the grocery store for the week and do not deviate from it.  You will save a great deal of time and anxiety knowing exactly what you need when you hit the ground running....and don't forget to bring your GalsShopper so that your list and coupons are right in front of you ready to go!! As a Registered Dietitian, I know that what you put in your body right now is very important in helping your immune system be the strongest it can possibly be.  Your list should include:
  •  Fresh vegetables and frozen vegetables (no sauces, get plain) .  Frozen vegetables are great to have so that you don't need to keep going back to the supermarket.  
  • Include fresh fruits like apples, oranges, melons, grapes, and bananas.  Canned fruits in water can also come in handy for food longevity. Whatever you do, do not throw out fruit that has become too ripe to eat for your liking!! Instead, place them in your freezer and use for a later time in a smoothie!  
  • Your shopping list should also contain whole grains such as whole gain breads, brown rice, pasta, pancake mix, and whole grain cereals.
  • Eggs (I have been doing at least 1 breakfast dinner per week and the family loves it!!
  • Cheese makes a great snack (string cheese, cubes, sliced).
  • Nuts (get snack packs for good portion control)
  • Chicken (fresh, frozen, or canned)
  • Soups (they actually make a healthy lunch)
  • Fish (frozen or canned)
  • Beef (get lean ground beef or choose lean cuts of meat)
  • A good tub of yummy ice cream of course (everything in moderation!!)
Besides eating well, make sure you are drinking plenty of water and getting enough sleep (7-8 hours preferably).  If you were a gym person before, you don't have to stop floor exercises at home...sit ups, push ups, planks, lunges, or exercise videos on YouTube are great!!!  Also, take time to breath, spend the time you didn't have before with your kids, think positive thoughts, and perhaps read a great book. 

To our GalsShopper community, your GalsShopper is even more important and more super useful than ever during the COVID-19 pandemic....because we are practicing social distancing and also facing never ending lines in the stores, thankfully there are many supermarkets and big box stores that have "scan and go apps" that allow you to enter the store, scan your items with your phone, and pay on-line without ever standing on a line or in front of a cashier!! Also, there is no exchange of money or credit cards involved in your transaction!!  Simply download the store app on your phone, place your phone and your list in the GalsShopper and go shopping avoiding lines and spending the least amount of time possible in the store. 

I wish you all good physical health and a healthy mind!  Let's get back to what's really important....our health, our families, and our friends. The United States of America has always set the standard for strength and prosperity and although I didn't think it could be possible........we will be even stronger and more prosperous when we come out on the other side!!!

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Nothing Says Happy Father's Day Like Grilling!!
What dad doesn't love a juicy grilled piece of meat on Father's Day??  A barbecue is definitely an awesome meal on Father's Day for an awesome guy!  But this doesn't mean we have to blow all caution to the wind.....we want to fill up dad with something yummy, but healthy too, but where do you start??  Well, I'm going to give you a little tutorial on the best cuts of meat to keep dad in tip top shape.......and the rest of the family while we're at it!!
Grilling on the barbecue can be one of the healthiest ways to cook if you know what to grill.  First, start with a clean grill everyone!  Just because it's outside, you still need to keep it as clean as your oven inside.  After all, who wants to cook on a science project in progress......gross!  Second, you need to know what are the healthiest cuts of meat to choose.  The following will give you a great guide you can use on Father's Day and for the rest of the summer to keep you a lean mean family machine:  Beef (Where's the beef??) : T-bone steak, porterhouse steak, flank steak, and sirloin steak are all great choices.  And if it's burgers he loves, choose 90% lean ground beef.  Next, we have Poultry: white meat turkey or chicken (no skin please).  Third, we have Pork: tenderloins and chops are great!! 
Also, when you are cruising the meat aisle, use your eyes because they can be your best guide.  Pick up the meat with least visible fat and it will always be the better choice. 
On behalf of the GalsShopper's team, we would like to wish all of you great dad's out there a very Happy Father's Day! Mom's out there, don't forget a GuysShopper would make a great Father's Day gift so that dad can be just as organized as you!!

Monday, April 8, 2019

 One of the most frequently asked questions I get from clients is, "Can protein really help me lose weight?"  My answer is always a resounding YES.....and the reason is that protein rich foods require your body to do more work to help break them down to be used as fuel.  What does that mean to you? It means your body will burn more calories to accomplish this task.  In addition, protein foods also help you to feel fuller longer so you won't be on the hunt for more snacks throughout the day.  In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the higher your protein intake, the more a hormone called leptin is released (the satiety hormone) and you don't feel hungry.   Great sources of protein include eggs, milk, meat, fish, poultry, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, quinoa, and beans. Aim for about 0.83 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, so for a 140 pound woman you would need about 53 grams of protein (divide weight by 2.2 to convert to 63.6 kilograms and then multiple by 0.83 = 52.7 grams of protein).  If your an athlete you would require between 1 and 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.
So make sure you include some form of protein on your shopping list and place it in your GalsShopper before heading to the supermarket!!!  Your body will thank you!!

Thursday, January 31, 2019


We all know that eating a well balanced diet, getting plenty of shut eye, and washing your hands regularly can help keep the winter cooties away, but did you ever think that by just consuming garlic that you may help prevent or even reduce the duration of a cold?  Well it can!!  Garlic contains a powerful compound called Allicin.  Allicin contains components that have antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. Research has shown that garlic can kick start your immune system and act as an anti-inflammatory.  So use plenty of garlic when your cooking, or if you prefer, you can take garlic in capsule form.  Don't worry about bad breath........the benefits far out weigh the negatives!!!

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Spice Up Your Life!!
Did you ever hear the saying that "Variety is the spice of Life"?  Well the same saying can apply to our health.  I'm here to tell you that adding different spices to our food cannot only make it taste better, but it can also improve our health!!!  That's right,  two benefits in one!!! Adding nutrient rich spices and herbs to our food is a great way to add flavor without adding excess salt and calories.  In fact, studies have shown that certain spices can help reduce inflammation which can cause various diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and certain heart let's talk about Tumeric.
Tumeric is  a bright yellow spice that gives curry its color and is packed full of curcumin, a substance that has been shown to help reduce the growth of cancer cells.  It has been used in India for thousands of years as a spice and as a medicinal herb.  It has also been proven to act like a strong anti-inflammatory much like ibuprofen and turmeric is also an anitoxidant.   Tumeric is mostly found in curry blends and goes very well in stew recipes and soups.   You can also use it to sauté vegetables such as spinach and kale.......just add 1tsp turmeric, garlic, tomatoes, and onion and it's delicious!!!  For extra flavor, you can also sprinkle some on top of roasted cauliflower, and fish.  If the taste of turmeric is not your thing, you can still obtain the health benefits from taking it in capsule form. 
So the next time you go to grocery store, make sure you add turmeric or some other spice that you have been itching to try to your list and put it in your GalsShopper so you won't forget!!!

Sunday, September 30, 2018

It's Apple Time!!
It's that time of year again......the leaves are starting to drop, the air is getting crisp, and there are many apples to pick!!!!  Apple picking season is always a great time to get your family and friends together and have some fun.  It's also a great time to bake some pies and crisps......but besides talking about all the fun we have during apple picking season, let's talk about the health benefits of eating apples too.  
Apples are high in fiber and rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients.  What does this mean to??  This means they can help reduce the risk of developing cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure (Hypertension). WOW!!!! Isn't this great!!  Apples are also so easy to bring to work, school, or just about anywhere......all you have to do is drop it in a bag!  You can't get much easier than that....and because apples are so rich in fiber, they also make you feel full fast.   With only about 95 calories in one medium apple, it can fit into any nutritional plan.    So whether you go to the orchard for some fun or simply buy a bag at the grocery store, know that you are making a great nutritional choice!!!  Happy Fall!!!

Friday, July 6, 2018


 Most of us have been convinced that a meal replacement shake is the way to go for weight loss, but is it the right way?  This is a frequently asked question, so what's the right answer? Honestly, I think it depends upon the person and I also think it depends upon the shake.  Here's why!!
I say it depends upon the person because if you are that type of person that just needs to chew in order to feel that you've eaten, a replacement meal shake will never work for you.  Take me for instance, I've tried to consume a high protein meal replacement shake to save time on more than one occasion, and consistently an hour and a half later I'm looking for regular solid food to eat because that is what I need to feel full and satisfied. That's me!!!  So if you're like me, if you stay honest and real with yourself.....a shake will never cut it and you will end up consuming more calories than you would have if you would have simply eaten solid food.
Now, if you are not the type of person that needs to chew to feel like you've eaten, a protein shake may be the way to go to replace a meal.  Just make sure though that sugar is not the first ingredient  listed!  Next, make sure it's calorie content does not exceed 400 calories, that it has at least anywhere from 20-25 grams of protein, and no more than 15 grams of fat.  Fiber is also a bonus!!  Shoot for at least 3-4 grams of helps with satiety (fullness)!!!!
Remember, giving your meals thought and planning in advance is the best way to go!!  Pack your lunch for work, make a shopping list before you go to the market to control impulse buying, and don't forget your GalsShopper!!!!!